New Here & Need to Lose 100 + lbs!



  • newHampshirite
    newHampshirite Posts: 180 Member
    edited December 2022

    Regarding your original post, in particular the part about being discouraged about getting almost half your calories in the form of carbohydrates: I don't think this is a problem. Using the MyFitnessPal guided setup, I find that MyFitnessPal recommends 50% of my calories be from carbohydrates, 30% from fat, and 20% from protein. Getting almost half your calories in the form of carbohydrates means you are under, albeit slightly under, the MyFitnessPal recommendation. I think you are fine there.

    In order to adhere to your nutritionist's recommendation on vegetables, I think the trick is to start your day with some vegetables as part of your breakfast (as you say you have already done occasionally with the vegetable scrambles). Your question is going to help me because I am going to try a couple of things that I have not been doing.

    1. I'm going to try making an egg bake but putting the mixture in cupcake liners in a cupcake pan. To me, an egg bake is one of those no recipe recipes, but a starting point would be sauteing (in a little butter or ghee) a chopped onion, a half cup of sliced mushrooms, a chopped bell pepper, and a chopped zucchini and adding that and a half cup of Swiss cheese to 4 eggs lightly beaten with a quarter cup of milk and desired seasoning. (If you add some cut up ham you can do further work on the nutritionist's protein recommendation.) Pour it into cupcake liners in a cupcake pan (allowing some room for expansion) and bake at 400°F for about half an hour (actually, until you judge them to be done). Put a few in the refrigerator and freeze the rest. Warm them up in the microwave in the morning and you have an almost instant breakfast. As you use the ones in the refrigerator, replace them, in the refrigerator with ones from the freezer.

    2. I occasionally, perhaps twice a week make a smoothie using about 10 ounces of non-fat milk, a banana, 5-6 medium strawberries and a half scoop of protein powder. I understand that green smoothies are quite popular in some circles. My plan is to try adding some fresh baby kale to what I make now--perhaps minus the strawberries, and, if I don't like that, perhaps I'll try some spinach in there instead. There are lots of green smoothie recipes available on the internet. I don't think the color is going to appeal to me, but I'll see if I can get past that.

    My main point is that if getting enough vegetables into your diet is a challenge, just imagine how much easier it would be if you got a serving or so in before you were even fully awake.

    My plan is to try these out and get back to you. In any event, thanks for making me think about it. You might be new here, but you are already helping others improve their fitness.
  • JaysFan82
    JaysFan82 Posts: 851 Member
    I've gone from 388.6 on Feb.22 to 256.4 today. You can do it I promise you! And I haven't given up carbs, foods I enjoy etc. You want this to be sustainable
  • ForMyGranddaughter
    JaysFan82 - 132 pounds in slightly over 9 months? And still eating what you like? If so, I love reading that, and would love to know more about how you did it.
  • newHampshirite
    newHampshirite Posts: 180 Member
    I tried the egg bake cupcakes. I used 3 cups of frozen stir fry vegetables as the vegetable and included some leftover pork roast. With 4 eggs plus 4 egg whites, the batch made 14 of them. They didn't expand much so I could have fit them in 12 baking cups. I had 3 of them for breakfast this morning. I find them to be delicious but 3 of them amounted to about 2/3 a serving of vegetables.
  • newHampshirite
    newHampshirite Posts: 180 Member
    edited December 2022
    Tried 2 new things, owing to this discussion. Put 85g of kale in my banana strawberry smoothie today. I like it better without the kale but this will be a part of my diet in the future because I like getting the serving of vegetables and it still tastes good enough. I also made a bean taco using a (soft shell) La Bandarita Carb Counter Street Taco, 30 g of refried beans, 10 g of shredded cheddar, and 1.5 tbsp of mild salsa. The soft taco shell is not the exact La Bandarita product recommended by @mustang5212, but I couldn't find that one and at 20 total calories with 5 g of fiber, it is similar (minus the protein), and I give credit to @mustang5212 for my having tried this one. It's not the most delicious soft taco shell in the world, but I like it enough to make it part of my diet. It seems like an easy way to bump up my fiber intake.
  • MIssnewme9211
    MIssnewme9211 Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome Everyone new to the thread!
  • Une_Poire
    Une_Poire Posts: 58 Member
    I don't have vegetables for breakfast except for an occasional veggie scramble but for now I probably won't have that. I struggle to eat vegetables so just making sure I get half my plate at lunch and dinner is a huge deal for me. Anyone struggle with getting enough veggies in?

    I have only dabbled in this myself but know of someone who has had great success with incorporating veggies (and subsequent weight loss) by changing their breakfast habits to be salad focused. I tend not to think "oh, lets have salad for breakfast" but it does give you a nice veg based start to your day. For me, at this time, it would have to be a conscious thought each morning. Maybe prepping some of it the night before would encourage that.

    Good luck with your journey!
  • MIssnewme9211
    MIssnewme9211 Posts: 104 Member
    Happy New Year! May 2023 be our year to lose weight and have wellness in our lives.
  • activeadriana
    activeadriana Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Angela! I also am in the same boat. I have over 100lbs to lose. Great job on seeing a nutritionist. Talking with someone about food can be so helpful. Even just sharing my thoughts on My Fitness Pal helps me process and understand things better.

    One thing that helps me is that I start with the veggies first. If my plate is half full of veggies, I start by taking a couple bites of the veggies first, then try to balance the rest of my meal by eating equal amounts of the rest of the food. I find this helps me enjoy my meal better, especially the last few bites.

    And one thing to keep in mind too is that sometimes you might need to try a vegetable over and over again before you learn to like it. I never used to like cucumbers or tomatoes, now I can eat them as a snack.

    I'm going to add you! Take care!