sienna768 Member


  • Completely agree with the deserts in an all inclusive! Usually just not worth the calories haha Thank you both! :)
  • Thank you for the advice! That all sounds pretty logical and I'll be sure to give it a go!
  • Have you thought about maybe switching out some of the nuts for fruit? I know nuts contain the natural fats which are beneficial for your body, and that fruits contain a lot of natural sugars so this switch might help you balance it a bit more. Honestly though, I just try to stay within 10 (below or above the goal) of each…
  • That is me in my photo yeah, I carry a lot of weight on my legs and stomach so it's probably not as noticeable from the back I am stressed from exams, so that could be quite likely Thanks for the exercise tips! I'll try the 3 weight sessions a week- in terms of cardio though I'm actually starting to train for a half…
  • Thank you for the responses! I'll definitely be a lot more stricter on my measuring of food, and I'll give it a couple more weeks of being really strict with myself before I see if I've made any progress. I have tried to log everything to the best of my ability but I do know that I haven't been completely strict on it so…