Somebody pin this somewhere !
Ah you're totally right, I botched that. It should've said something along the lines of reducing body fat % And hey I guess we'll leave the saturated fat data there as a bonus
It's important to state that all fats are not created equal. Including Saturated fats. AHA (American Heart Association) swears that coconut oil is bad for you on the sole basis that it contains a large % of saturated fat per cal. There are 13 clinical studies done that show the effects coconut oil has on Weight Loss,…
Congratulations. If you have a WholeFoods near you, this would make it much easier when it comes to finding the right clean foods and supplements (i.e: Your Vitamin B complex..I mean you can always get that online too), most of the products at WholeFoods are really clean i.e.: ingredients list is filled with actual food,…
The Forks Over Knives Recipe app is awesome!
Hey vegan here. Are you looking for a protein shake? Try VegaOne protein no bloated stomach, nice amount of protein for a plant-based protein shake, and it taste great the main ingredients are ... Pea Protein, Cocoa Powder, Organic Pumpkin Seed Protein, Organic Sunflower Seed Protein, Alfalfa Protein. I haven't really used…
Hey I'm a Vegan and I get most of my protein from Lentils, my hemp seed and chia seeds, peanut butter, and my spelt...I love spelt ❤️
That's interesting. Does the sight of scrambled eggs make you queazy? I know some people that can't eat scrambled egg just because they "look nasty", or even the yolk, which I completely understand.
Yeah that's it right there, everything else you should definitely be counting. And sometimes I do add in the seasonings
It's only when I eat almonds after the protein shake. Or drink protein after I eat almonds. Drinking about 2 bottles of water alleviates the stomach pain. I just avoid eating my almonds after/before my protein shake now.
We're clearly using our time most effectively lol
Aww man my stomach is beating* me up right this minute
Based on your profile pic you already look riight if you toss some calisthenics and healthy eating habits you'll be feeling right too. I recommend switching to a plant based diet for a month, to see how you feel, and ehilr you're at it hit the gym at least 5 times a week doing calisthenic workouts. I'm getting all types of…
Hey I'm Mike I'm from Brooklyn, NY Currently bulking on a plant-based diet (vegan), and building strength through calisthenic. Aiming to get to 200lbs, I'm standing on 165lbs (6'4"), no set date to reach my weight goal, I'll get there when I get there. I've been training 6 days a week for the past month and noticing steady…
Yes! Congratulations!! Remember to do all your nutrional research on all your macro and micro nutrients, don't forget to visit your cardiologist. Stay strong and do your best to love those that TRY to spear their lifestyle into yours without your say so. Vegan strong