Rognvaldr Member


  • :) I've also found some good recipes here.
  • :) I've also found some good recipes here.
  • I have started a glycemic index diet. It is the most undietlike diet I've ever been on. Look at the GI Diet site. There are recipes.
  • I gave up soda about 20 years ago. I switched to unsweetened iced green tea and water. I decided to just make the change. I don't recommend doing it that way. The sugar and caffeine withdrawal made me unbearable to be around (according to my wife). :) You have a couple of options. If you need the carbonation without the…
  • This what I'm doing. (I'm on a glycemic Index diet (kind of)) - using the MFP food diary also, - Eat breakfast within one hour of waking. I generally have a protein drink (30g protein) - Don't go more than 4 waking hours without eating. I generally have a small snack (nuts, dried fruit, etc.). Just something to prevent my…
  • This what I'm doing. (I'm on a glycemic Index diet (kind of)) - Eat breakfast within one hour of waking. I generally have a protein drink (30g protein) - Don't go more than 4 waking hours without eating. I generally have a small snack (nuts, dried fruit, etc.). Just something to prevent my body from going into starvation…
  • I would steam cauliflower to go with this and call it done. You could steam broccoli if you wanted something green. The fillet is the star and the couscous is the co-star of the meal. I think either of these would provide a balance to the meal. :)
  • Hi. I started on June 1st and love it. It keeps me focused. I'm on a glycemic diet . It is the most undietlike diet I've ever been on. Its worth checking out. The people here are friendly and helpful. I think you'll like it here. I know I do. Anyway, I've blathered enough. :)…
  • I think you are doing great. You set a goal for yourself and are about to achieve it. Life is a series of goals that we set for ourselves. We attain them and then set new ones; or, we fail, learn from it, then begin again. I would recommend that you continue to focus on your original goal. You've almost reached it. When…
  • pamfgil is right, we (men) have short attention spans. We're like puppies that way. You have to let us know at the time it occurs. Much of the time we may not realize that we hurt you. :p Seriously though, have a conversation. Let those close to you know what your goals are and the type of support you need. If nothing…
  • I like all the advice given so far. You should indeed check to see if the pool offers lessons. However, while you’re looking for lessons, go swim. The other swimmers will not mind. In fact, they may offer advice or help. So, my advice is to splash away. :)
    in Swimming Comment by Rognvaldr June 2017
  • HI. Making the decision to do something about your weight is the hardest part. I'm right there with you, I need to lose just over 7 stone. I saw a doctor (which was hard for me). She put me on the glycemic diet ( Its the most undietlike diet that I've ever been on. Granted, I've…
    in Newbie Comment by Rognvaldr June 2017
  • HI. I am new to fitness pal. I love it. The food diary is helping me a lot. I just started a weight loss program. My doctor put me on the glycemic index diet ( It is the most undietlike diet I've ever been on. Granted, I've only been on it since June 1st. I don't feel deprived…
    in Hi Comment by Rognvaldr June 2017
  • I agree with distinctlybea... I think you could benefit from counseling and perhaps medical treatment to develop a structured course of action. That's what I had to do. I saw a doctor (which was hard for me to do) and now I have a plan that to follow. Granted, I'm only in my first week. But the glycemic Index diet…
  • Shattered by Delain
  • are you eating breakfast? how much protein are you consuming?
  • Take a look at the food diary on myfitnesspal. Granted, I've only bee using it since the first but it is very helpful. And remember, moderation is the key to success (especially with moderation) :) Use the my fitness pal tool to help you set your goals. Dieting shouldn't have to be painful or boring. Keep eating your…
  • Deciding to do something about it is the hardest step. On May 19th, I hit 303 lbs and that was my do something moment. I've gone to a doctor and she had me start the Glycemic Index diet. ( I mostly follow the diet. I moderate the Hi glycemic foods. I saw the doctor on May 31st…
  • Try Hintfizz. Also, diet sodas are fine. Just look for the ones sweetened with splenda rather than aspertame.
  • I haven't experienced this yet. I am close to where you were when you began your weight loss journey. I am less than a month in. I am 6'2" and at my most active (extremely active) I hovered around 195-210. My current goal is to get to 200. I am no where near as active as I was then and I expect that when I am close to my…
  • HI. One thing to keep in mind when strength training is that muscle weighs more than fat. while strength training, weight is not necessarily the best measurement. Instead, focus on your muscle to body fat ratio. Here is a link that should help.