mjlfit83 Member


  • Mansplaining isn't a thing. Just because a man can't experience something personally, doesn't mean he doesn't know anything about it. ... And before you say 'I' am mansplaining, if you are still deludedly adament that I am, the same can in turn be applied to women. You don't know what men are experiencing, so don't…
  • They don't tell you because that simply isn't true.
  • I drop things like strawberries and shredded coconut, mixed berries, lemon pieces amd mint, etc., in to ice cube trays, top up with water then drop them in a glass of water when I am thristy, if not simply take one out a crunch in to them. Water intake and fruit all in one! Living in Australia we get heatwaves of +45C.…
  • GMOs are actually safe to eat, and can often provide more nutrients than their 'organic' (all life is organic) counterparts. inb4 I get called a shill. No, I am simply a poor student studying agricultural genetics. If I was being paid off by Big Pharma, I'd have my own dietitian and chef preparing my meals, and a personal…
  • Pretty sure that counts.
  • I think you missed the part where I mentioned time travellers... Always seems to be a tough crowd here. Ah well. On a serious note, though, I would like to emphasise the difference between 'doing research' and doing actual scientific research in controlled laboratory conditions. I am sure you meant the latter, but it's a…
  • haha, same here! To be fair, I myself take 6g of fish oil daily at the prescription of my GP. My point is simply pointing out that taking anything more than your body actually needs is metabolically wasted.
  • So many experts in this thread; doctors, evolutionary biologists, archaeologists, nutritional historians, time travellers... Who needs scientific journals when we have MFP forums, right?!
  • If you eat a well balanced diet with a variety of different vegetables and fruits, you rarely need any additional supplements. The exception would be if you are deficient in a particular vitamin or mineral, but your GP will be able to tell you that. Don't just assume or guess. Usually taking additional supplements merely…
  • Hiya! I also love cooking, but while getting my greens in isn't overly difficult for me, it's fruit that I struggle with. Just eating a piece on its own just doesn't do it for me :P I enjoy lifting too, but don't worry about what others think is heavy, as the fact that you are lifting is what matters. I need to get some…
    in Howdy! Comment by mjlfit83 June 2017
  • Only just started a 30 day trial of the premium version, so am still figuring out all of the functions. But I have linked in with the MapMyWalk app, and that has been good in keeping track of where I go, etc., and for automatically adding in the extra calories needed for my exercises. When I next go shopping, I'll be…
  • Hi there! I'm in Sydney, and also new to MFP tracking. Have around 10kg I want to lose, myself, and a kick in the butt is also appreciated too!
  • I am! I go to Macquarie Uni and live up near there, but it's good to be in contact with others near by.
  • This sounds like a pretty good goal to me! I live in Sydney, and while I actually like winter over summer, it'd be nice to get down to Bondi without being self-conscious about my body shape, so I can finally get a tan on my pasty white skin :P
  • Sydney-sider here! I too have been knocked back by illness recently, and am now 10kg more than I'd like to be. I too get exhausted fairly easily as I try climb back out of this rut, but with 30 minutes of light walking a day to begin with is a start back in the right direction! I know it seems hard to start, but it gets…
  • Just started yesterday, myself. Best of luck!
    in I'm new! Comment by mjlfit83 June 2017