Support & Motivation required. I'm from Australia!

alteregold Posts: 8 Member
edited May 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All! My name is Lucy.
I'm an on again off again MFP user. Really hoping to stick with it this time and actually achieve some weight loss goals!
I was about 70kg in school (seems light years ago) but my weight ballooned to 85kg when I was hit with GF & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :( I hovered around this weight for the better part of a decade but more recently (due in part to medications but more so to a bad diet and minimal physical activity) I have crept up to the mid 90s :o I don't want my weight to keep creeping up and have to put a stop to this!
At the moment the I'm just aiming to be healthier. Eat better, move more.
I'm on a new found streak of motivation and hoping to keep it going longer term.
Cheers to new friends, support and motivation :)


  • t_1509
    t_1509 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Lucy,
    I'm from Australia also, 27 years old and had Glandular Fever years ago and have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the last 2 years :( I've used MFP on and off for years as well, starting off in the 80's and got down to 65kg then put it all back on again, had done this a couple of times now! This time I'm mid 80's and hoping to get back to 65kg eventually. I'm currently just counting calories and doing light exercise (mainly walking) as I am too exhausted to do the kind of exercise I use to be able to do!
  • mjlfit83
    mjlfit83 Posts: 19 Member
    Sydney-sider here!
    I too have been knocked back by illness recently, and am now 10kg more than I'd like to be.
    I too get exhausted fairly easily as I try climb back out of this rut, but with 30 minutes of light walking a day to begin with is a start back in the right direction!
    I know it seems hard to start, but it gets easier, if never easy, but it's worth it!
  • ISparkyI
    ISparkyI Posts: 158 Member
    Queenslander here, been doing Keto mixed with intermittent fasting for the past 3-4 weeks with great results. Feel free to add.