NapalmZygote Member


  • Exactly zero times copied and pasted. Could be I posted something similar, or VERY similar, but that would have been at least four weeks ago. Every time I post, which is infrequently, I briefly note my current thoughts, opinions, and / or anecdotal evidence on topic in hopes of being at least somewhat helpful to the OP. I…
  • Those cliches about "it's never as bad as it seems / it's never as good as it seems" and "don't get too high / don't get too low" have a lot of truth to them, in my opinion. What was most interesting for me is seeing the graph of my weight after a couple months. There are "good" and "bad" days (and weeks) -- and I have no…
  • Hi Elizabeth, and congrats. I too experienced one of those "something changed" moments about 7 weeks ago, after which I decided to download this app. Things have definitely turned a corner for me (so far) and although I have no expertise to really share, just wanted to say: good job.
  • Look for the signs that will tell you that you've fully, 100%, committed to this decision. Everyone's different, but for me...* I cleaned out the kitchen. Lots of still-good (according to best by date) stuff got tossed * I downloaded and familiarized myself with this app and started logging every single thing I ate / drank…
  • I wish I had some real solid advice because I know exactly what you mean. I've been needing to drop 25 pounds since the late 90s... known it all along. At least seven or eight random (and, taken by themselves, relatively inconsequential) things coincidentally happened at the start of June, which led to some switch that…
  • Thanks for posting this video... thumbs up
  • from the Christmas City, Pennsylvania, but now in Germany
  • Two simple words... but around six weeks ago, thinking the same thing... it was like something clicked. Can't tell you whether I'm in this for the long haul but so far so good; this app has proved beneficial beyond doubt. Good looking out... just one day at a time, one good decision at a time.
  • Cold brew revolutionized coffee for me. No sweetener of any kind needed. So good... 10/10, drink 2 cups daily.
  • Agree :)
  • Shrimp is a go-to for me as well. Calories per gram is pretty low, and it's versatile: use in Asian, Italian, and Mexican dishes. Big fan.
  • I just made Kung Pao Shrimp based on the recipe from (minus one tbsp Kikkoman and plus one tbsp water for the sauce) and a couple other minor tweaks. With one third cup (uncooked) basmati and omitting peanuts, I came in at 486 calories. Really good... not boring... only drawback, lots…
  • Great day today, thanks. Like the man said, never had a bad day in my life. Have a good one
  • New beginnings! You have a lot to look forward to. But I'll stay focused on the topic... I like the ideas of road trip / microbrewery hopping. So... my go-to is always car camping. Take advantage of the US (that's where you are right?) State Park system. Buy a current Rand McNally so you can scout / call 200 or 500 miles…
  • Hi, 47 here, and because 2017 is shaping up to be a big transition year for me, started mfp on Monday, but not telling anyone (except you all I guess) for at least 60 days, just to see how I do. Wishing you all good luck in reaching your goals and on your journey.
  • Keep up the good work, man. Side note regarding gout: I had had random attacks never knowing what it was until 2011 (that's when I moved to Europe) and a doctor here diagnosed me pretty quickly. So now I take half a tab of Allopurinol daily. Look into this med (Wikipedia) or ask your doctor... I recommend it only because…