poisonesse Member


  • See what you can do when you try? You're doing an amazing job, just stick with it and all those "1 lb" losses will add up until you reach your goal. You have got this! 👍
  • I've honestly never had that happen. I've had people ask if the hubby was also "on a diet" (as most people phrase it). But the next time it happens, just say "why do you ask?" An innocent question can derail a sarcastic/wise *kitten* comment, and possibly find out why they ask if it's truly an innocent one.
  • A "sorta prepper" friend of mine told me not to worry, take old clothes (he mentioned T shirts), cut them into squares and use those. Wash, rinse and repeat. Hey, if you have to... but EWWW!🤢
  • when in doubt, go to an urgent care service! If in pain, DEFINITELY go, don't wait for someone on the internet to give you an opinion!
  • How about lunch meat rolled up in lettuce leaves? That will give you protein which might keep your satiated longer. I'd say oatmeal, but you're allergic to oats, so that's out (LOVE them myself!). A fruit cup/salad? Salad with tuna or shrimp or chicken (again for the protein)? A cold piece of leftover meat from dinner the…
  • Well, you won't know for sure until you weigh in... remember, it's hard to see a few pound loss in the mirror. But quick question... do you log everything that passes your lips? And do you weigh your food, versus eye-ball the serving sizes or use the "serving size" on the food labels? Believe it or not, a one cup dry…
  • 1. that your armpits will go from being convex to concave 2. that those double knees you got so used to (you bend your knee and all the extra "meat" bulges out on the inside of your knee) are NOT normal. 3. That you're usually the last one to notice the actual weight loss in the mirror, hence you beat up on yourself WAY…
  • lol My Versa Lite won't sync at all right now. Sometimes I think FitBit must have been purchased by UA! 😂
  • Personally... I don't want to eat a ton of synthesized chemicals, I have nothing against meat, so I'll stay within my comfort zone.
  • Recipe for Sweet Tooth Take one tooth, roll in 1T of Sugar. Enjoy. Yes, just being silly here! This is my favorite recipe for baked oatmeal. I omit the raisins, and use Truvia brown sugar blend instead of regular brown sugar, and a cup of fat free evaporated milk in place of the skim milk, I think it makes it more rich…
  • OMG, she is PRECIOUS! And has obviously fallen in love with you already!!! I'm Mom to 3 fur babies, and I don't think I could live without them in my life. I wish you and Barbara all the best, and many many years of love!!!
  • for me, it's meat (any kind), fish/seafood, cheeses, eggs (WHOLE eggs, there is more protein in the yolk than the whites), beans of all sorts (except cut green beans), nuts... actually, I'd say all the usual things!
  • Hi y'all, I'm 68, I've lost 58 pounds and am now in maintenance, but I'm still here logging every day because if I don't, I start to gain again. Please feel free to add me, I'm here for the long haul! And @MaryBryan7324 to add friends from the boards, click on their picture, then click on their picture again. That will…
  • My goal is 1300, though I do eat 100-150 of my exercise calories a few times a week. I've lost 58 pounds, been maintaining for a year or so, just practicing CICO, no special diet. I've found that I MUST log daily, it's what keeps me honest and within my healthy weight range. So while I don't have 30-45 pounds to lose…
  • Galaxy Quest... NEVER give up! NEVER surrender!
  • OH! This popped up in my feed, I never noticed it was posted 4 years ago! 😂🤣😂
  • sleeping. I log in as soon as I get up in the morning. Keeps me honest. 😉
  • a true friend will be happy for you for doing something to better your life. Anyone that doesn't appreciate the work you've gone through to get where you are today is simply jealous, leave them behind because they will only hinder the rest of your life. @MileHighFitness ... no, she isn't being petty, I did the same thing…
  • Well, considering it's only been a 5 lb loss, you can't expect to see much change. That said, the last picture you can see light between your upper thighs (a place I have a horrible time losing) so even at only a 5 pound loss, I'd say there's a difference. And you also look a little more toned. Give it time, instant…
  • Galaxy Quest Never give up! Never surrender!
  • Never had any of my own, but my hubby has two boys, who were raised by their mom and we saw them weekly. They're now 40 and 41. My kids are fur babies, right now I have 3 ASTs.
  • A mixer, stand or hand, incorporates more air into your batter/dough. This might be why your cookies are sunken. I'd give it another try using the mixer, for the minutes listed in the recipe, and see how they turn out. And do chill them, recipes that call for chilling will almost always flatten if not chilled long enough.…
  • I've been active here for a few years and I'm always up for new buddies. Anyone looking for friends, don't hesitate to add me. And OP, going to send you a request now.
  • @psuLemon Oh, thanks for posting that recipe, I love anything Asian that I can cook at home! And I've tried those banana/egg pancakes. They don't taste horrible, they actually don't taste bad... but when I want a pancake, I want a PANCAKE, and they just don't do it for me. Texture is too off for me. Good thing I'm not…
  • Personally, I found swai to be flavorless, my hubby won't touch it. We do eat a lot of tilapia, though, and even more pollock. I can't seem to cook cod well, for some reason the texture becomes tough no matter how I cook it. But both tilapia and pollock are nice, solid fleshed, white fish that can be adapted to most any…
  • I hate coffee. Can't stand the smell of it, or the taste of it. My DIL gets so upset with me because she makes a "prize winning" devil's food cake (and I'm a chocoholic!) and I simply can't eat it because she puts 1/2 C of black coffee in her batter. And yes, I can taste it over all the chocolate! And mashed 'taters with…
  • So sorry, only just saw your post! Welcome to MFP! I'll send you a friend request! I'm always looking for active buddies to help motivate me. 😁
  • Feed is down again on both the mobile app and the computer site. SMH, they seriously just can't get it together! HOWEVER, you can still log food, and on the computer app you can add exercise... but once you've added, you can't go back later and add another exercise, it just gives error messages. The exercise thing has been…