csilverthorn22 Member


  • Well… I’ve been sticking to tracking, and trying to move daily. I got back on the scale this morning and down .6 (but another .5 would put me back in the 50s instead of 60s so I’m feeling driven on that point.) Walked my dog. Walked on my lunch. Hit the gym yesterday. Tracking my macros and trying to be more mindful about…
  • Wellll I crawled back on my scale after months off , and moving, and stressing and stuffing my face... and it is , as I suspected... not great. I have earned it though... and now I have a 'new starting point.' (the middle number increase really sucks.. booo!!!) but... I have been drinking my water and trying to get back in…
  • WELLLLLLLL I bit the bullet and got on the scale this morning... as expected, it wasn't great... like, middle number increased not great :( butttt... I 'earned it' - indulging in desserts, 'moving fast food', alcohol, and office snacks and sitting on my duff... I got back on the treadmill last night, and, I did a…
  • You guys are amazing. I’m new here and sometimes struggle with getting back to conversations I’m into.. anyone want to friend me?… I have been going through mass stress lately .. we sold our family home - in the 5th generation to live in it.. development coming in waves and though we did alright and have a great new…
  • I’m logging cuz I have been slacking all week on logging and it makes me feel bad! Since Sunday Af- 3 On Tuesday I had a small glass of wine and tonight same , so a bit of a better week I guess but still - wasn’t planning on having any tonight and I’m a little bit down about it.. though there was 5 women on zoom and two at…
  • Hey everyone. New to this thread.. new to using the communities actually. I’m just feeling off all wagons lately - anyone here just want to say hi and connect !
  • Ughhh I’m struggling to bounce back from a weekend of over indulgences ! Finally got a decent night sleep but man o man I’m totally craving sugar and crap like crazy I can’t seem to get a handle on cravings..and my truck broke down - which then meant being without it for two days and of course left my gym bag and my…
  • Thanks @Bex953172 Back to the gym again today and walked on my lunch. Been doing the times eating and decent at doing 730ish to 8am ish. Kinda killing me right now the girls are eating salt and vinegar chips … feeling snacky but I’ve been doing so good and really want to shake a couple lbs off.. soooo so far staying out of…
  • Jft updates - After finding that we received wrong parts and short proper parts for gazebo and finally getting it up - we had to celebrate of course. Saturday was a dry day for me though and went to the drive in! … today is a dry day, and I’m staying home not hanging out with “the guy”… (chuckle… hang in with me to see how…
  • Recap yesterday : I DID all my meal prep for lunches this week. I rode my horse! I ate fairly clean all day! And drank water . I did have some pizza for supper and I DID have 2 drinks while attempting to assemble a gazebo that was actually missing parts (f Peaveymart!) but for the most part, I made good choices and didn’t…
  • Following a vacation I opted out of dinner out last night and told a friend I needed a dry day. We went to the drive in movies! I did have some all dressed chips, however : I didn’t drink , and I made super healthy lunch and dinner , so all in all I think I’ll still call it a win. I also did meal prep for the next few days…
  • Found the book mark guess I still have to go into the motivation then find it but good start. I walked almost 5km here in Canada despite the heat. I got groceries and did some meal prep. I took a nap as I’m just feeling really out of it after vacation (over tired over alcoholed over fed, over peopled.) I made protein…
  • Can I join in here Feeling so blahhhhhhhh and grosse and have tumbled off the wagon dragged it into the forest set it on fire and sat around it roasting smores and drinking cocktails .. I’m gonna try and walk my dog and not cry cuz my pants don’t fit and I feel positively grosse… I know….. not a ra ra welcome to the party…
  • Hi … I chose the serial starters thread - I don’t think I’ve ever posted on mfp before … Ive just returned from a week vacation .. so basically stuffing my face with food and alcohol and sitting on my *kitten* I did roller blade a couple times and go for a walk or two but on the whole.. I’m feeling exhausted from doing…
  • I want to be the one who aged the best out of all the people who treated me like *kitten*.. I want to look better than the girls and make the guys wish they didn’t ignore me for the bitchy skinny ones who look like crap now anyways lol ahhhhh this sounds so bad. I honestly also have a lot of good and healthy reasons but it…
  • Back for my second round! 5'5 F, 36. entered this challenge as I just got back on MFP , I've always found that the support and "forum" to vent, complain or check in makes all the difference. Last round start: 156.9 End weight: 154.1 (down 2.8lbs) Round 79 START: 153.7 Day/Weight/Comment 06/02 153.7 I AM SO PROUD that on a…
  • Day - Weight - Comment 05/23 156.9 - 05/24 155.4 (-1.5) 05/25 153.9 (-1.5) 05/26 05/27 05/28 05/29 05/30 155.4 05/31. 154.4 06/01. 154.1 Sw on round 78: 156.9 Ew on round 78: 154.1 Loss!! : 2.8lbs Hmmm where’s everyone headed for round 79?!
  • 5'5 F, 36. entered this challenge as I just got back on MFP , I've always found that the support and "forum" to vent, complain or check in makes all the difference. 05/23 156.9 - was surprised as this is actually 1.2 lbs lighter to "start" this challenge than where I was last wk. 05/24 155.4 – WOW. I’m happy that tracking,…
  • 5'5 F, 36. entered this challenge as I just got back on MFP , I've always found that the support and "forum" to vent, complain or check in makes all the difference. 05/23 156.9 - was surprised as this is actually 1.2 lbs lighter to "start" this challenge than where I was last wk. 05/24 155.4 – WOW. I’m happy that tracking,…
  • I just went back and was like.. why does this say KITTEN Everywhere. no swearing on MFP I guess?! oops. sorry lol
  • 5'5 F, 36. entered this challenge as I just got back on MFP , I've always found that the support and "forum" to vent, complain or check in makes all the difference. 05/23 156.9 - was surprised as this is actually 1.2 lbs lighter to "start" this challenge than where I was last wk. 05/24 155.4 – WOW. I’m happy that tracking,…
  • awwww hun... well.. if its any consolation I had a 3 lb drop then bounced right back up... which is just unfair right?!?! I mean.. not losing is frustrating but i feel like the scale just toyed with my emotions for three days! lol
  • Day - Weight - Comment 05/23 156.9 - 05/24 155.4 (-1.5) 05/25 153.9 (-1.5) Holy crap .. this is unreal esp given that I indulged in the cocktails last night. However. Since I’m only JUST back to tracking and working away at this I think I’m seeing the benefits of reducing carbs and increasing water intake and flushing…
  • 5'5 F, 36. entered this challenge as I just got back on MFP , I've always found that the support and "forum" to vent, complain or check in makes all the difference. 05/23 156.9 - was surprised as this is actually 1.2 lbs lighter to "start" this challenge than where I was last wk. 05/24 155.4 – WOW. I’m happy that tracking,…
  • was pleasantly suprised to start a A"just gimme 10 days" round and find I was actually down 1.2 from last week. babysteps!
  • Plateaus suck! not being nosey (ok being nosey) are you weight training? Goodluck... I'm back on here after a lengthy break and having gained my weight back, but finding MFP friends and talking it out helps so much. YOU GOT DIS!
  • Alrighty here we go. Day - Weight - Comment 05/23 156.9 - this is actually down 1.2lbs from my last MFP weigh in and still up from where I want to be obviously but still seeing 156 opposed to 158 is a step in the right direction. 05/24 05/25 05/26 05/27 05/28 05/29 05/30 05/31 06/01