

  • i love how people think the argument that milk is not meant for humans is an illogical argument. do you think cows evolved to produce milk just for us? (or put here depending on what you believe). dont be so full of ourselves :D reminds me of this episode of sarah silverman where she licks her dogs butt. she asks the court…
  • food matters is a great one, so is ingredients, deconstructing supper, forks over knives, and the future of food. watching these has totally changed the way I look at food!
  • I do the same as Fairysoul said, cooking from scratch makes a big difference. And if you can stop adding salt to things, do it. Our bodies need salt but we get plenty for the everyday things we eat. Dairy like milk and cheese can have plenty of sodium, and things like frrozen veggies and meats can have salt added as well.…
  • mine suggests about the same calories, but I wouldnt expect to burn 900 calories in an hour unless the intensity was very high and your heart rate was at least 90%, and even then. though, I must mention that unless I take my heart rate like every 5 minutes, it bases it on my first check in, which was as I am starting,…
  • I can really see both sides of things, but for me I have it set to friends only. I dont want to be harassed by somebody who has a bad day because I had one too, and I know my friends wont ever think of doing that.
  • I'm new also! Good luck with the loss, and welcome to MFP! Feel free to add as a friend :)
  • good luck for sure! and welcome to MFP :)
  • I'm sure we all have those days, where our hunger just wont stop, and we kind of pig out. Remember how you feel right now and remember that next time, I would, I am. This last week I pigged out at disneyland, and I feel like Ive lost 2 weeks of progress. But I know I was succeeding before, and I can do it again, and so can…
  • you can certainly do it! the want is a hidden motivation, the first step ;) aside from eating smaller portions as people say, getting fiber so you're not hungry when you shouldnt be is a big importance for myself, it really helps. my biggest problem is procrastination, and as long as i stay on here it really helps that…
  • thanks for the support :D
  • yes precisely! there are people out there with an unhealthy/incorrect body image and more people to act like thats what you have. i think for me it goes the other way around as you mentioned. you think you look fantastic, then you see a super unflattering picture of yourself. man when it does that it makes me think ive…