Time to get serious!

Hey all, Here I am trying this new site, deciding maybe to get rid of WW and use this instead. We'll see how I do..
Tracking shouldn't be that hard I do it once in a while already.. just have to find a way to stop nibbling so I can acurately account for all my calories.... And increase my exercise.. My goal is to run continuously for 30 min.. and then go from there. I can walk forever.. Just not a big runner.. But I'm trying!! No excuses.. my life is my own.. no kids yet so tons of time to get myself in check.. maybe just tone down my social life.. or find a better balance of the 2....OY! Thats always hard for me! Wish me luck! And good luck to all of you in your weight loss ventures...


  • bakanekonei
    good luck for sure!

    and welcome to MFP :)
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    good luck!!

    im doing the C25k program which gets you running for 30 mins, but starts with interval running. if you need to ease your sefl in you could always try that, its fab.
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Good luck!

    On the nibbling... it might help if you plan for the day in advance - or even the week. Then go ahead and add all your meals / calories in the morning. Include a bag of trail mix, almonds, or something better than potato chips in one of your meals... but then keep that trail mix in a baggie and have it with you for nibbling throughout the day rather than eating it all at one meal.