Has this happened to you...(Especially Women)

(This is one scenario That made me come to realization of my weight gain)
Has this happened to you...You're in your house searching and searching for a nice outfit to wear for some kind of showy event or whatever your case may be (class, going to the mall, etc.) Any-who, after 65.5 billion outfit changes..you put together what you think to be the most flyest, sexiest, curve-grabbing, jaw-dropping outfit you can ever put on in you LIFE! Next, you get to your so called "confident point" to step outside and make that move (to your destination) and when you get there you thinking to yourself I'm the "you know what!" ....Until
Somebody done brought a DAng Camera, SNAPPING SOME GOT DANG PICTURES! Now your first reaction may have been "Well shooo... I'm Looking good today!" Long story short...You see the pictures and you looking like the Nutty Professor/Precious with wings (aka "ARM FAT"), Fat rolls caked up and making deep creases in your shirt, a triple chin and NO NECK! (Just Head and SHoulders lol)
(SN: It's always that fit friend that says something stupid like "Girl you looked cute in that picture!")


  • bakanekonei
    yes precisely! there are people out there with an unhealthy/incorrect body image and more people to act like thats what you have. i think for me it goes the other way around as you mentioned. you think you look fantastic, then you see a super unflattering picture of yourself. man when it does that it makes me think ive been delusional!
  • JourneySheWrote
    yes precisely! there are people out there with an unhealthy/incorrect body image and more people to act like thats what you have. i think for me it goes the other way around as you mentioned. you think you look fantastic, then you see a super unflattering picture of yourself. man when it does that it makes me think ive been delusional!

    Yes! I've had my delusional DAyz :(
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    not quite but close. Had a darn reporter take a picture of my back side at the end of a run next to a road sign that said 'warning: slow runners on road.' Never knew how wide I was until I saw it on-line!!!
  • JourneySheWrote
    not quite but close. Had a darn reporter take a picture of my back side at the end of a run next to a road sign that said 'warning: slow runners on road.' Never knew how wide I was until I saw it on-line!!!
    Wow..That's deep.
  • londanfudd4eva
    yes but my (thin) mom always points out the camera jus takes wha t it sees! so whats important is what WE do now and that is work hard and stay motivated so that we look good on the nex pics
  • JourneySheWrote
    yes but my (thin) mom always points out the camera jus takes wha t it sees! so whats important is what WE do now and that is work hard and stay motivated so that we look good on the nex pics
    I hear that!
  • Clairereynard
    OH yes.... and people around you say that you look good.... until you see it for yourself... what a shock!!! I have been there... in fact all my friends know not to put pictures of me on facebook as all I will do is remove them... I am sure that we will all get to a weight that we like the photo's . Good luck .