OliveGirl128 Member


  • With your current weight you will get a higher calorie intake, even with a deficit included. As you get further into the process and begin losing weight your calorie intake will change and decrease to line up with your new weights. Trust the process, it really does work :)
  • This. One or two foods in isolation doesn't mean anything. Instead look at how they're fitting in with what else you're eating-how do they fit into your calorie goals/macros targets, does one keep you feeling full for longer vs the other one, do you enjoy on more than the other etc.
  • Not a dumb question at all, I actually have no idea how that works though - I know there's members here who've also shared having their gallbladder removed, hopefully they'll see this thread and chime in!
  • It actually wasn't the op's post that was an issue, (I thought hers was a good question), but the pp's assertion that you must eat 'whole' foods to lose weight. That may confuse the op and lead her to believe that she has to make drastic changes to how she eats, when in fact she just needs to adjust her calorie intake to…
  • I've been at this for a long time now, and it does get easier to handle those kinds of situations the further along you go. We're spending the day at an amusement park tomorrow and I've got my food plan in place and ready to go, I'll stay on track and hit my calorie target. A few years ago I would have freaked out about…
  • Someone just gave me a gf grill-never thought to use it with salmon, thanks for the idea!
  • The only thing that matters for weight loss is that you're hitting the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals. How/what you eat to make up your calorie intake though is pretty individual and will be based on food preferences, lifestyle, etc. You can experiment with different structured plans, or you can just do…
  • I eat frozen salmon a few times a week and I defrost it in the sink with cool water, (still in the vacuum sealed pkg), then oven bake in a Pyrex glass dish sprayed with non-stick spray, with lemon pepper seasoning, at 400 degrees for around 20 minutes, flipping half way through.
  • Not true.
  • We're a rare breed :) I did ADF, (JUDDD), for my weight loss phase and it worked well for me. I'm now a few years into maintenance and no longer do it, but I do other IF protocols on and off, as part of my maintenance plan.
  • Op your macro split is a bit odd-are you trying to do low carb? If so, then your fat intake should be higher. Also, different macros have different satiety levels for people. I do much better on a high carb eating plan because things like vegetables, beans, whole grains etc go a long way to keeping me full for longer.…
  • Yep, we have two cats-one is thin and the other is obese (his stomach drags on the ground oiy). The obese cat is as active as the other cat (both are outside quite a bit/vicious hunters), but the overweight cat is the dominant one and always gets first dibs on the food. He will also eat even if he's not hungry as a…
  • If someone has a medical condition that requires restrictions on sugar/carbs then yes, limitations on fruit will most likely happen per doctor's orders.
  • Like others have said-you'll have a maintenance range of a few pounds (usually 3-5lbs). Once you get out of that range and stay for more than a few days, then you'll know it's time to adjust things until you settle back in. Daily weigh-ins help with this process, and they also help because you'll start to see your body's…
  • But people don't actually eat beans and whole grains like oats, according to pp. :p
  • No one here is anti-vegan, (there's quite a large group of vegans/vegetarians that hang out here), but there will be push back on the documentary because it's full of misinformation. Did you not see the vegans posting here also saying that? Did you read the review I posted a link to, from a highly respected vegan…
  • I'm a former prediabetic, who now has normal glucose numbers, and I eat bread every day.
  • The sprouted whole grains bread I eat has 60 calories per slice. I'd love to see a piece of cake that has that many calories.
  • My husband is an industrial HVAC programmer for a global company, and got to where he's at by starting at a county run technical/vocab school in high school, by doing their electrician's program. Started as an electrician's apprentice after he graduated and got his journeymans electrician card. Over the years he then moved…
  • Frozen veg/fruit is a great way to to get produce inexpensively, and it's flash froze right after being picked, which means it actually retains more of its nutrients vs fresh that's transported across state/country. Also, there's tricks to making fresh produce last longer too (I buy Aldi fresh produce and make it last up…
  • Don't know how interesting it is, but we moved them mainly because my oldest is very musically inclined and the district we now work with has one of the best orchestra programs in our state. My daughter is a part of their orchestra program and will most likely pursue a music related career, (she currently plays 3…
  • Back when I cloth diapered it was unheard of lol. But now that my youngest is 9 it's become really popular here, it's a part of the whole AP movement that's big right now.
  • We now do school of choice into a district that has an online program-it's a hybrid program of public school and then homeschooling. Technically my kids are still public school students but do most of their schooling at home :) eta: that also means my kids eat all their lunches at home now, and I fit that into my small…
  • Ah, that's where there's the disconnect then, because after researching into organic I definitely don't think it's any 'healthier'. Fresh fruit in season is reasonably priced-I have around 50lbs of berries in my freezer, that I picked from UPick farms earlier this year. Also-I frequently pay .35-.54lb for bananas, $3 or…
  • Ah, that's where there's the disconnect then, because after researching into organic I definitely don't think it's any 'healthier'. Fresh fruit in season is reasonably priced-I have around 50lbs of berries in my freezer, that I picked from UPick farms earlier this year. Also-I frequently pay .35-.54lb for bananas, $3 or…
  • I always had two kids in diapers and I used cloth flats. Great way to diaper on the cheap (and I mean cheap) :) Back during that time I also made my own laundry detergent, to save money on washing them. Also-prices do vary, but I pay .59 for 4 rolls of toilet paper (Aldi brand). I definitely don't consider that to be one…
  • Back when we used WIC I never felt bad or embarrassed about having to use it at the check out lane, (and it was paper vouchers back then instead of the debit type cards they use now). It really wasn't a big deal and I just added them to my coupon pile. eta: I also never felt bad about going into the WIC office for our…
  • Like I said in my pp-what changed is that I learned how CICO works and then I applied it. How that translates to my weight management plan- -daily weigh-ins, first thing in the morning, after I use the bathroom (potty, weigh-in, brush teeth, wash face, pull hair into bun lol) -I have a 5lb maintenance range (currently…