OliveGirl128 Member


  • Back when my kids were in the traditional school system we opted to not participate in bringing in food for classroom parties, nor did we bring in b-day treats for the classroom. If someone doesn't have the extra funds to provide a treat then they just don't bring in a treat-it's really not a big deal. My kids were never…
  • I actually grew up dumpster diving sometimes, alongside my parents and sisters, so if you'd like to have a deeper discussion about poverty I'd be more than willing to have one with you. You probably won't like what I have to say though :p And I stand by what I said-I feed a family of 5 on a very tight grocery budget, and I…
  • I think a better way to label this whole thing would be that I have a weight management plan in place-this term applied when I was losing weight and it applies now in maintenance. I did not do a 'lifestyle' change though, I learned how CICO works and then I applied it. Otherwise things are pretty much the same, which is…
  • Messina is awesome-love her website! http://www.theveganrd.com/
  • Most likely bread is going to have less calories than a slice of cake....
  • I eat two slices of sprouted whole grains bread every day. Only 60 calories per slice.
  • This nails it. Pp-back in the day during my weight loss phase I did a little known IF protocol, (ADF), and I intentionally didn't tell people what I was doing or that I was even losing weight because it's no one's business but mine. And while I was going about things in a pretty controversial/unorthodox way-it was working…
  • I'm actually not a big ice cream person (I'm that weird person who will sit with their family at the local ice cream shop and not get anything lol), but I do enjoy HT, I like it a lot better than regular ice cream-I think it's a texture thing for me.
  • This is thrown out all the time, but many times it's just not true. I eat a very 'healthy' diet and I fit it in, along with the rest of my family's groceries, on a pretty small grocery budget. Beans, whole grains, frozen veggies, frozen chicken etc are all pretty inexpensive.
  • Haven't seen a good food stamp thread since back in my parenting board days, good times lol. Years ago we qualified for WIC and I thought that was a really good system. There was a list of allowed foods and that's what the vouchers covered. It's been years but I know dairy and certain kinds of cereal were allowed, along…
  • Oster Fusion here-have used it almost daily for years now, going through a LOT of ice/frozen fruits (bananas, large berries, my greens 'disks'), and the thing continues to work perfectly. When it dies I'll be getting another one!…
  • Saw the tea one and then the banana one last night at Meijer, but I was with my husband and there was no way I could sneak them into the cart without him noticing I was putting $12 worth of ice cream in the cart :o I'll be heading back there, by myself, tomorrow lol.
  • Unless someone has a medical condition that requires them to limit their sugar intake, it's not a big deal to hit over the default sugar recommendations. Many here who track have switched out the sugar option, to fiber.
  • Daily green smoothie drinker here!
  • I'm not a vegan. I am someone who knows how CICO works though, and the op's original post doesn't make sense from a CICO standpoint. This is a public forum, that I've been on and off of for many years now, and I can chose to respond to threads however I want. In this case I didn't have time to type out an in-depth…
  • When someone posts something here that does not make sense, clarification will be asked for. I could have typed out a long winded request for the Op to explain what they meant by their op, since what they posted doesn't make sense, but really, 'what' does the job and wastes less of my time.
  • This is my thing lol. Family of 5 here on one income (I homeschool the kiddos). We also do the Dave Ramsey thing so our budget is nailed down pretty tight-weekly grocery budget is $100 cash, and that includes non-food items as well. I've also lost around 50lbs and am now a little over 4 years into maintenance. First-how…
  • That's wild! Here, (Michigan/U.S), you can always get a takaway box, (usually a styrofoam container), and most places have various sizes for you to chose from, (small-like a slice of pie, to big-for almost an entire entree). It's very normal to see people walking out with these.
  • I'm with you- clearing brush, moving tree debris etc at our new house this summer hasn't done anything meaningful for my weight, even though it's not normal activity for me.
  • I always ask for one when I order my food because I know some of its going home with me. I'm on a wet burrito kick right now when we go out and those things are huge!
  • What about Twinkies though? http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/ For 10 weeks, Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University, ate one of these sugary cakelets every three hours, instead of meals. To add variety in his steady stream of Hostess and Little Debbie snacks, Haub…
  • And along with this-you also have to find a way of eating that's realistic and sustainable for you, for the long term, or you won't stick with it for any amount of time.
  • 19.9 currently. And yes the lower my bmi the lower my glucose number, so it does reflect my health, to some extent. I also have a total cholesterol number in the 160s, triglycerides in the 60s, normal blood pressure etc. And then last fasting test put my (former prediabetic) glucose number in the 80s.
  • Why do you need to eat something at a movie theater, it's only for a couple hours. If they don't have something there that fits with your plan just eat before/after, if you're truly hungry. As for other times, if AS doesn't agree with you then you'll just have to use real sugar/sugar products. Just log it and make it fit…
  • Yep, nuts and seeds, peanut butter, dried fruit, granola, full fat Greek yogurt, real butter, olive oil, Nutella :# It's actually pretty easy to get in more calories, you just need to chose calorie dense options. Op, if you're truly eating that few of calories every day, it's just adding to the run down feeling and it's…
  • Yep, there's a few of us here who don't track, but are here for other reasons. The biggie for me is that MFP is the only forum I've found that has an active group of maintainers. Doesn't make me feel so alone :)
  • You're right, trainer not so much!
  • SAHM and homeschooling mama of 3, (12, 11 and 9). I'm on the other side of things and have been maintaining a 50ish pound loss for a few years now. Also, you can definitely still go out to eat with your husband-you just need to fit the meal into your calorie target (pre-planning your day is a great way to do this). We eat…
  • We're heading to an amusement park this weekend and since most rides trigger intense anxiety in me, I'll literally only be going on 2 of them (bumper cars and then there's a white water raft ride that isn't a trigger). I'm still paying full price and I'll still enjoy the day because the park has other entertainment venues…