Mfp recommends too many calories



  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    MFP doesn't recommend too much, you're eating too little. If you can't eat more in volume, use more calorie dense foods. It's very likely that your run down and tired feeling is due at least in part to eating so little. Take care of your body so it can take care of you.

  • sosteach
    sosteach Posts: 260 Member
    Add some higher calorie foods or use some olive oil or butter to cook with. It isn't healthy to go below 1,000 calories. It would suck if your hair started falling out or worse.
  • Wiggymommy
    Wiggymommy Posts: 106 Member
    Eat healthy foods that are higher in calories. Think stuff like avocado and nuts and potatoes etc. Healthy but high in calories that way you won't FEEL stuffed but you will reach your calories. Just google search health, high calorie foods....
  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    edited August 2017
    Wiggymommy wrote: »
    Eat healthy foods that are higher in calories. Think stuff like avocado and nuts and potatoes etc. Healthy but high in calories that way you won't FEEL stuffed but you will reach your calories. Just google search health, high calorie foods....

    Yep, nuts and seeds, peanut butter, dried fruit, granola, full fat Greek yogurt, real butter, olive oil, Nutella :# It's actually pretty easy to get in more calories, you just need to chose calorie dense options.

    Op, if you're truly eating that few of calories every day, it's just adding to the run down feeling and it's also going to start doing real damage to your health. You can't take care of others, if you don't take care of yourself first.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Or Snickers. Always room for Snickers*

    *Not serious. Okay, maybe a bit serious because everyone can handle a bar of chocolate even if not hungry amiright?
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Wiggymommy wrote: »
    Eat healthy foods that are higher in calories. Think stuff like avocado and nuts and potatoes etc. Healthy but high in calories that way you won't FEEL stuffed but you will reach your calories. Just google search health, high calorie foods....

    Yep, nuts and seeds, peanut butter, dried fruit, granola, full fat Greek yogurt, real butter, olive oil, Nutella :# It's actually pretty easy to get in more calories, you just need to chose calorie dense options.

    Op, if you're truly eating that few of calories every day, it's just adding to the run down feeling and it's also going to start doing real damage to your health. You can't take care of others, if you don't take care of yourself first.

    So much the bolded. Eating too few calories and not taking care of yourself, particularly in times of stress, can really exacerbate issues. You are tired and worn out, understandably, and your body is telling you that you need more fuel. Find a way to eat the minimum 1200 cals if you can't get all the way to 1560 at first, but even that is too low for someone of your size and activity level. Work on ways to be more accurate with your logging, incorporate some calorie dense foods that you enjoy (full fat dairy, cook with oil, avocado, nuts and cheese, even ice cream!) and be patient. What you'll likely fine is the weight will come off slowly but you will have more energy, more motivation to keep going, you will sleep better.... it will be better for you and for those you take care of.

    Oh and I have such respect for full time caregivers. Good luck!

  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    I'm thinking I'm also just to stressed, tired and exhausted. Taking care of everyone and everything. EXCEPT YOUR SELF!

    low calorie diets increase tiredness and exhaustion. I am sorry that you are stressed, but what you are doing is making it worse, not better.

    it doesn't sound like you are taking the time to care for your own needs as much as you should. (I think this is absolutely understandable, given what you've shared about your current situation. I just think you're also very important too and deserve some care). I think that might serve you well in the long term.

    Yep crash dieting is stressful and will leave you tired and exhausted.
    So maybe don't crash diet?

    Take a break at maintenance, be kind to yourself and then refocus.

    Some thoughts just needed to be repeated.

  • Mezzie1024
    Mezzie1024 Posts: 380 Member
    You're getting good tips about not over-restricting.

    Based on your repeated mentions of stress, though, I think you may need other types of help as well. Can someone help you with your responsibilities so you can have a break from caregiving at least once or twice a week? Can you see a psychologist or therapist to help you deal with the stress?
  • elliemae1981
    elliemae1981 Posts: 33 Member
    edited August 2017
    I wish I had that. It's a trait with the women in my mothers side of the family, we care for our own and sacrifice ourselves in the process. My brother has custody of all 3 kids and him and the kids and my mother live with me. He works 12 and 16 hour shifts so were both just feel like dropping most days. The main stressor is the kids so called mom who almost killed the youngest child last Wednesday during a visit. She is a drug addict and even though she was supposed to be monitored she managed to get heroin into her aunts home and my 16 month old nephew got it and swallowed the entire contents of the bag. He had to be revived with narcan and had a iv drip of narcan for 12 hours. We have been dealing with her stupidity for a very long time and its what is causing the most stress in our family. I'm hoping that the court doesn't keep dragging this on and sends her to prison before the holidays because it's just too much stress on the kids and the rest of our family. It has left the kids in fear of her, caused my mother to have a stroke, my brother to lose great jobs because he has had to take time off because the kids were put in danger all because child services refused to revoke her rights. Its just a big mess. Good news is that the man who took the case this time is a homicide prosecutor and the reason he took this is because my nephew almost died and he saw that she was getting away with everything she has done without any punishment so the prosecutor is going for a very long prison term. So there is hope that my niece and nephews can stop living in fear that their mom is going to hurt them. I know this sounds like a soap opera drama but this is how our lives have been.
  • NGC6960
    NGC6960 Posts: 10 Member
    Good Morning Ellie!,

    Have a look at your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, TDEE Calculator

    Set yourself to "sedentary" (we all are, I'm a 6x/week powerlifter but I work an office job so I use sedentary). Then choose "cutting". This should put you in a comfortable, and more importantly, sustainable nutritional position. Set MFP to match.

    You're going to make it :)
  • Focused_Adrenals
    Focused_Adrenals Posts: 1 Member
    I am not going to read through all the comments to see if someone has already said this but try breaking your meals into 5 smaller meals a day if that's still far from your calorie goal then try smoothies ect. I struggle aswel I only eat around 1500 and my recomended is 2700. To compensate I consume calories via liquid 2-3 times a day, i also started having the odd beer some nights. Try at least hit your protien goal from 1000calories then work up from that