xxzenabxx Member


  • Thanks for the tip, I never thought of that. Come to think of it I always gain 1 inch around my waist before my period so it makes sense to do it once per cycle and the same time.
  • Hey thank you for the response. I don’t know if I didn’t word it correctly but I was asking about using a measuring tape, hence the word measure? So how often should I take measurements using a measuring tape? I’m already using a trending app but it’s not useful because of weight fluctuations it’s telling me I’m gaining…
  • How many calories are you actually eating? You haven’t actually stated how many calories you’re eating so telling us that would be helpful.
  • It’s called Insulin Resistance? Our bodies are not calculators you know. We have things called hormones.
  • It’s not the lack of weight loss that’s the issue, it’s your expectations that needs to change. 2 pounds is amazing! Also we are the same weight, well I’m a few lbs heavier than you and unless you’re very short, you probably don’t have much weight to lose. I also have PCOS and I’ve yo-yo dieted for so many years, just…
  • When did you start exercising? If you’ve been doing any sort of resistance training and you’re a newbie you could’ve built some muscle and that’s caused a spike in the scale weight. That’s a possibility. You said you’re on track with your food but just double check everything. Also what are your workouts like and what is…
  • That’s great! Dieting on 1800-2000 is definitely a lot of food for your height so that is pleasing! I’m also in a calorie deficit after reverse dieting and then bulking for 6 months. I’m currently eating an average of 2100 calories a day to lose fat. I cycle my calories so I have more on exercise days (2200-2300) and less…
  • Update: My hunger levels have significantly dropped after 2 weeks of being in a calorie deficit. I guess my body was just adjusting plus I’m in the first half of my cycle so that’s probably why. I’m also making a conscious effort to eat just eat more veg and it’s definitely helped me. Another thing to mention is that I…
  • Exactly- I found that triggering because of my ED past. I hope that they realise how damaging this stuff is.
  • You honestly need to build some muscle. I’m Asian (so smaller framed too naturally) and I’m 5’ 4”/162 cm and now I would look emaciated at 49kg because I’ve built muscle! A few years ago I used to weigh 135 lbs and I looked pretty much the same even though now I’m 160lbs! I even checked measurements from a few years ago…
  • I think it’s totally fine if you have coffee with creamer because it’s probably only 30-50 calories which shouldn’t make a difference to your total calories in the long run. I don’t do IF but I kinda do- I eat a small piece of fruit at 8am then do my workout and then eat breakfast at 11am. I try to have dinner by 8pm so…
  • Yeah I love avocados too but recently I haven’t been eating them. Time to make guacamole. I definitely find fats more satiating too.
  • I’ve actually been thinking about eating more lentils and beans. That’s a good idea! I love eating fish and eggs but they don’t have a lot of volume.
  • Thank you ☺️ I never thought of gradually decreasing calories but maybe that’s where I need to go.
  • Yeah I’ve recently been trying to increase the volume of my meals with veggies. It’s definitely helping. My stomach just feels...hollow.
  • Thank for the input. I want to lose 0.5 lb per week which is why I’m using the TDEE calculator. Last year I went through metabolic adaptations where I was constantly dieting/yo-yo dieting or binging. I did a post about it in the maintenance section but I don’t know how to post the link. I did a reverse diet which was…
  • Aiming to lose 0.5 lbs a week and I’ve got 15-20 lbs to lose.
  • I use a TDEE method where my rough TDEE is 2400 and I’m aiming to eat more on my workout days. I also cycle my calories so my days could look like this- 2300, 2100, 2000, 2300 etc. Those are my gross calories. I’m really trying to lose slowly but this seems weird because a few months ago I used to feel full on 2000…
  • Ah okay so it’s a hormonal response. I have PCOS so I freaked out thinking my hormones are messed up!
  • Thank you made me feel better. Actually I haven’t been in a deficit for over 7 months so that’s maybe why. Any idea how long it will take to adjust?
  • Well I did it in stages but I’d say about 6-7 months.
  • Actually it is true! I did a reverse diet where I gradually increased my calories to 2400. A while ago I was consuming 1500 calories and I felt miserable. I now have more energy overall and in my workouts. I’m still waiting for hair regrowth but I know that takes time. My joints are no longer inflamed and I sleep much…
  • Listen to the above advice- you’re doing way too much for an unconditioned body. Go for short walks and slowly build it from there. Also eat enough protein and drink enough water.
  • I would definitely speak to a dietitian. I just wanted to add that I have PCOS and IBS and I eat dairy, gluten and sugar and all the foods you mentioned above (I also have an Ed history so long term deprivation used to make me binge). I used to deprive myself and I honestly didn’t feel better. In the end even elimination…
  • Vinyasa comes up for me. Try core power-I think that has a higher calorie burn.
  • Glad it was helpful to you- I’ve also recovered from multiple EDs so I know how you feel ❤️
  • I’m also pretty active and let me tell you- you are not eating enough. For some one with a history of binge eating, a restrictive diet is even worse! I’m 5’ 4” and 160ish lbs right now (I’m quite muscular) and I workout 5 days a week and I walk 10,000 steps a day. My average TDEE is 2400ish depending on how active I’ve…
  • Thank you I’ll definitely check it out 😊
  • https://youtu.be/FfNXJt4_MoQ This is the video if anyone is interested.
  • Yup- you just hit the nail on the dot! James Smith did a Ted talk where he said that a woman can burn an extra 100-300 calories per day which means if she doesn’t increase her calories she could potentially be in a greater deficit, so instead of being in a 500 calorie deficit it could be up to an 800 calorie deficit. The…