peraltapiano Member


  • Mary-- I hope this does not sound condescending. A little translation: OP means "original poster," or the author of the thread. Your given name is Mary, and while in person it would be very rude to address you otherwise, online it's customary not to out of respect. Because we're all strangers and don't personally know you…
  • Okay then. The general consensus, which I can understand after seeing the math behind MFP has a pretty correctable error for all Exercise entries, is that the Cleaning entry IS valued highly by some of the people who use MFP. It would be different, especially for those who are not fully able-bodied/ADA, or who have come to…
  • This sounds like something a proana blog / Instagram would promote. I don't think anyone should fast for more than 24 hours unless it's for religious or perhaps medical reasons.
  • Hey... congratulations on your success anyway! It took me more than a year to lose 20 pounds. 12 in 4 months is pretty good! The first time I failed... lack of access to mental health care as a teen... I put on a lot of coping weight (stress eating, feast or famine mentality, fear of attention), hit about 148-150 at 16 (I…
  • Hey, Between my bf and I we spend about 200/mo on groceries and maybe 100/mo on dining out. I think the only reason this was achievable is due to three factors: where we live, what we eat and where we buy it. We live in Washington state. I'm pescatarian and only buy our produce (greens, veg, fruit, mushrooms) and fish from…
  • Terrifying. That's exactly how an old friend of mine behaved when she abused her dad's Adderall. Diet pills are pointless in the longterm I think.
  • This is nice! I've had banana, avocado, tomato and spinach today, but when I get home I'll be having some more vegetables. \o7 if I'm not too sleepy to eat haha.
  • I agree with Megamoose. Don't be too hard on yourself. Yes, you should try to limit yourself when surrounded by the delicious abundance of a vacation. But this is not a beyond repair situation-- you can make a great comeback today, tomorrow, or if it's just too hard... when you get home. It's okay.
  • If you don't have nut allergies, sweetened almond milk is pretty great! But you should give plain almond milk a try too (it's about 30cal/cup). If you like coffee, you can learn to like coffee without sugar. Acquired taste.
  • Hey :wink: I've been a pescestarian since I was about 14 yrs old, you can add me if you like!
  • Wow, so thorough! Thank you for taking the time to write such a complete explanation. Do you think, in reference to the Compendium the METs values are based on, it might be useful to replicate their original findings from the 80s? Do you think the update in 2011 was just that? But! I'm too greedy. Back on topic. If I…
  • Popping back in to say thanks for all of your personal insights with using this entry to reach your goals, or not. It is interesting to read how quite a few people have used it vs. the activity level system. eta Although I am even more curious now about how on Earth the burns are calculated to fit every logger. Time to…
  • Photoshop...? Haha. Sorry. I think moisturizing regularly makes skin look nicer in general! Although that's basically just about water/cell hydration, not repair.
  • Absolutely this. Squid rings with noodles or in adobong pusit. Why do cephalopods have to be so high in cholesterol....... I also love red bean desserts, and full fat milk too much to give them up completely.
  • Restricting yourself harshly after eating a bit too much is really common... But not effective. You might want to talk to your doctor about seeing a dietician or nutritionist so they can help you figure out what to eat to stay happy on a calorie deficit.
  • Oohhh this is the future of my hummus cravings. Thank you for sharing this.
  • What amazing abs... in four months! You obviously worked really hard to get here. I hope you have a great time hitting your new goal.
  • You should definitely find something else you can do those late stressful nights then! A hobby, maybe writing and posting to a blog about it?
  • I'm no expert, and I haven't lifted regularly in three years, so I could be wrong and this may be an experience key to the program you're doing, like a wall you're just going to break through. But it does sound like your muscles might require more rest between your workouts. Are you stretching as best you can beforehand?
  • Chiming in to say yes, I enjoy hemp hearts and especially the Manitoba Harvest brand.
  • Oh hi, that's really cool! I added you, sorry that I didn't check back in this thread
  • I think one of the most wonderful things about being born an omnivore is that we get to make decisions like this. No, I don't think excluding fruit long term is unhealthy. I do think its important to have vegetables, though, and that to remove those from a diet would be terrible for your health. My take on fruit: I would…
  • Hi beary, My heaviest was 145 about a year ago, now around 125 and looking to lose 10 more. Good luck and add me if you want.