hollyshealthylife Member


  • No, and I don't record my exercise in MFP as the estimates are so off-base. 105 cals burned for 20 minutes of walking? Suuuure.... At this point, I'm focused on making sure I get close to my goal protein intake. As my weight loss is fairly consistent/average week to week, and I feel relatively capable/well-rested and with…
  • Your mileage may vary, but look at what you are eating and see if there are any gaps (for me, it was protein). Not eating enough will also sabotage any weight loss goals. Once I realised that I needed to eat way more protein than I was, and eat regularly, ALL of my calories, then I started losing weight. Take your…
  • Possibly the best advice I've ever seen here. 100%. So right. Should follow this everyday. Printing it out to stick on my mirror. Be an adult, and don't expect compromise in a partner. Got it. Winning in life now.
  • Derp. No photos but just posted these recipes on mah profile that I am LOVING! I eat meat, fats and carbs, so your mileage may vary. But hey - if it fits your macros... ;) I am trying to use up shrimp, chevre, and dried beans. Black bean corn salad http://www.myfitnesspal.com/recipe/view/273792911568493 Black bean quinoa…
  • Seriously!?!?! This is terrible advice. Track your macros. I eat meat, I ate meat. I still wasn't getting enough macros. Eating meat once a day, tracking my food, got me to max 60 g of protein. A 'typical' meat meal (normal portion) will have between 20-30 g of protein. I certainly don't eat meat every meal, so there is no…
  • I would take a look at the balance of your macros. You should be eating 1g per lb of body weight. Considering upping your ratio to 20-25% protein daily (take it from your carbs, not fat). Protein and fat help you feel satiated, and will keep you fuelled up longer than just carbs. It sounds crazy, but I've seen major…
  • Not quite sure what you mean. If you enter a recipe in the recipe tab, MFP will give you the nutritional information. For example, scrambled eggs would be: 2 eggs, 1/4 cup milk, 1/4 tsp salt. MFP would save this as a recipe, and match the foods, make you double check them and then output the nutrients based on the number…
  • Try Reddit; they've got some great men's style sub-reddits. It doesn't need to be expensive, and walking around in clothes that look good on you can make you feel pretty damn great. Try: /malefashionadvice /mensfashion /malefashion /frugalmalefashion
  • [/quote] Oh no. You said 'protein drink' and 'sexy messages' in the same post. Good luck with your future. I feel like your mailbox may be *bulging* with unfortunate propositions by now!
  • I'm in too! I have just under 150 to lose... :/
  • Yes! Ravelry is amazing. One of the biggest motivators to lose weight is that knitting a sweater would be SO MUCH LESS EXPENSIVE. Seriously. So many skeins.
  • Hey everyone! Definitely over 100 lbs to lose; and finally feeling motivated to stick with it. There have been SO many false starts over the years. This time around, I'm not focused on the calories every day, I'm not focused on fat, I'm mainly focused on trying to plan to eat, and incorporate way more protein than I used…