cholloway88 Member


  • @Strudders67 congrats on the weight loss! I've set my weight loss goal to .5-1 pound per week since I am unable to be very active.
  • @kimny72 thank you for the links! It had some really good information. No, no health conditions that I need to lose weight aggressively for, but I do have some chronic health issues that I battle.
  • @73CL350 all very good points. And something I tend to lose sight of sometimes. Thanks for all your kind words and advise :smile:
  • @stepmill_jack I'm sorry to hear that! Sending good vibes your way for things to turn around for you!
  • Yes, surgery keeps me from exercising for right now until I'm cleared by my doctor. Reasons I would like to lose weight: 1. My health! I want to live a long life and being healthy is part of that. It will be easier on my joints and my body. 2. I want to learn to love myself. I am my own worst critic and my weight plays a…
  • Do you have any other hobbies that you like that you can do? Maybe reading or something? I struggle with depression and tend to comfort myself with food too, so I understand how you feel. I try to lean on my friends and family for support. I hope things turn around for you!
  • Congrats on Law school! :smiley:
  • I don't think you should be embarrassed by what you struggled with in your past. I think it's something to be proud of that you fought the battle and won! I hate to hear that you struggle with health problems (something I struggle with as well), but I'm glad you found something that works for you! As far as anxiety and…
  • @chrissymoore06 I'm glad to hear your mom got a diagnosis! Not knowing is seriously the worst part. I think that's what gets me down the most is knowing that I know something is wrong but no one can seem to figure it out. Thank you for the words of encouragement and I think it's great how strong you are! Swimming is…
  • @Akkael I admire you for continuing to fight and push through everything life has thrown at you! 5 minutes at a time is a great way of thinking. You can push through anything for a short amount of time and before you know it, you've done more than you thought you could! Thank you for the kind words and I hope you prove…
  • @tonyabrwn I believe in being open. I want to break the stigma of mental illness and chronic pain and I think that people who suffer from either should be taken as serious as someone with a broken leg. It sounds like you have a good system going on with your physician, which is a great start! Like you said, one day at a…
  • @RainSerana Not having a diagnosis is probably the most frustrating part! And I live in Oklahoma, so I totally get the whole "face melting outside" situation! Positive vibes that you get the answers you need :)
  • @TeacupsAndToning WBC was almost double last time but they had me pumped full of steroids. ANA, CRP, and Sed rate are all elevated. I've seen two rheumatologists and about to see a 3rd and none of them can figure out what is wrong.
  • @quiksylver296 Mine says my daily goal is 2300, and I'm usually over by 1000 or so. A few things I should have mentioned are that I'm lactose intolerant and I struggle with chronic pain so my workouts are limited to walking and swimming for the time being.
  • Awesome, i'll check it out. Thanks!
  • @heytimsla I'm willing to give it a try, just don't know much about it. I've been trying to research it some.