Maxxitt Member


  • FWIW, (and when "eating out" was actually an option), I limited the 1200 calorie meals to once a month, if that, and chose lighter but still delicious fare (meat/seafood grilled, veggies steamed, salads with minimal dressings, e.g.). When I knew I was eating out, I ate a bit less during the day. One thing that I noticed is…
  • I find that soaking cutlets in yogurt and then using panko crumbs mixed with a little grated parm, then a light oil spritz from my mister works fairly well - the chicken is moist and I think that helps the crumb part not dry out totally. But it's not the same as a properly fried cutlet.
  • Lyle McDonald's brief discussion suggests that chronically high cortisol levels increases fat storage. Injury can also increase water retention (inflammation) which can lead to higher scale #s. You can always check your tracking (weigh everything) to…
  • Show prep caters to a select clientele - one that is 1) not overweight 2) more likely to engage in extreme methods over the short term ahead of a competition.
  • It's not the exercise that's making your fat squishy. That's actually a sign of progress. Read this - I think you'll be a bit reassured.
  • kohlrabi - it's sweet and crunchy
  • Just chiming in to say congratulations, and if you have questions as you read @PAV8888 's response, feel free to ask them. You get to define your "what next."
    in me Comment by Maxxitt July 2020
  • On another note, I ran across this today - just anecdotal, but not terribly encouraging, account of likely re-infection after clearing covid-19 once It doesn't surprise me, given the emerging data about how antibody level appears to fall over time.
  • Well, after a week of covid data speedily moving in the wrong direction in our area, he decided he could send regrets to the happy couple and not risk his health (and mine). I am greatly relieved :)
  • Well, thanks :) I don't know if it would or not but I'm going to drop it into his inbox.
  • Honestly, I don't know how working parents are going to cope over the next year - it was hard for my kids this spring but at least they were also all teachers and teaching from home, although running after the 4 year old was a huge challenge when both parents were scheduled to teach at the same time. I just can't see a…
  • Loosey-goosey about weight range here, too, and it takes a back seat to how clothes are fitting. When I accomplished my weight loss initially, I figured 150-155 was do-able (66 inches tall), and it was for about a year. For the last 4 years I've been between 157 and 167. I made peace with not getting into those size 6…
  • I aim for 80-110 g of protein a day (more if I am lifting, which I haven't been) and fat g usually are under 50. That's not by design - it's just my preferred food sources. The recommendations I have read suggest .3g/lb of body weight unless one is significantly overweight, at which point .3g/goal weight might make more…
  • Overnight oats - made during the day lol - with kefir works for me when I'm on a med that messes with me. I have chronic stomach inflammation, and when it acts up, the only dairy I can tolerate is kefir. Go figure.
  • The watch calculates burn by including heart rate into the equation. It might be pretty on the nose, but it might not. Case in point - I walk the same route and pretty much the same pace every day. On a really hot day, my watch calculates I have gotten more exercise (significantly) and burned more calories because my HR is…
  • I have the opposite kind of goal. My resting heart rate now regularly drops into the 30s when I am sitting quietly. That hasn't been an issue as far as I can tell until recently (yes, I have an appt in a couple of weeks with primary care to discuss this) and when I was going to the gym a few times a week, mostly lifting…
  • Yes - that was part of our conversation, that if he gets it, the likelihood of me contracting it is high. Our house is tiny (one bathroom) but spare bedroom is an option - when I came down with a cold last month I got tested (if I could catch a cold, I could catch corona) and slept in another room, wore a mask indoors,…
  • Can you not edit the serving size by clicking on your entry? That works for me-there is no way to alter the calorie/nutrition number of MFP entries.
  • Speaking from the experience of being in your neighbors' demographics and also having the experience of not seeing the kids and grandkids, your friendship is helping them through this :)
  • Our WI county is in a "surge" now and spouse and I have basically been going out only for essential stuff since early March. But one of his ball playing friends (in the demographic hardest hit by infection, who has not been social distancing as far as I know) is getting married this month and wants him there ... indoor…
  • 1200 calories is the lowest MFP will go for a female.
  • Appetite can be affected by a number of things. In my experience, there's habit (before I retired, I had my meals at set times due to work schedule and was always hungry at those times. I'm on a totally different schedule now and so is my appetite - twice daily meals work fine, and the first one is usually 3 or so hours…
  • I'd pay attention to the protein macro - eating sufficient protein + resistance training will help you preserve muscle (which you don't want to lose ... remember, your heart is a muscle :smile: ). The amount of protein in a deficit is often suggested to be .8 g per lb goal weight but you don't need to be obsessive about…
  • "Hindsight is 2020" is going to have a new connotation moving forward, I think.
  • If you stay within your calorie allowance you're good to go in terms of fat loss. Your scale weight might fluctuate a bit depending on macro content since carbs require more water to digest but that has nothing to do with fat loss. Added salt will lead to water retention for most folks so your question as to whether it…
  • It could be that the point at which you "give up" is the problem. If you are menstruating, you'll be going through water retention/gut slow-down cycle once a month. The first thing I would suggest is powering through the "give up" period and see if you can maintain a plan for 2 months & re-assess. The second thing is that…
  • I am also very sad. I haven't seen the kids in what seems like forever. Well, there's Zoom, but it's not hanging out and having those meaningful conversations at totally random times. Both granddaughters are growing like weeds. There's a marked spike in case rate here so us old folks are kinda back to square one in terms…
  • I've been getting that message for the last 3 days, but I just tried to access MFP on my mobile and it loaded fine - went back to the laptop and it's still giving me the error. Which is a pain.
  • And even if it was a "measly 7 pounds," you at least reversed direction from gaining to losing. That's not nothing. Good fortune to you as you renew a commitment to losing 7 more (hopefully it won't take you a whole year :smile: ).
  • The immunity thing is not well established yet. Here's a link ( )to a Reuters article that talked about a small study published in Nature Medicine this month, with this lede: "Levels of an antibody found in recovered COVID-19 patients fell sharply in 2-3 months after infection for both symptomatic and…