I had it the first few days and then it went away, part of the process of carb withdrawal. Stay the course and it will clear up again.
Holy cow, that looks awesome!
There is a lot to be said for hiding behind the fat. It gives us an excuse to not be our best. I have found on Keto that I am not hungry and do not have the cravings so I am hoping that even under stress I can maintain the TYPE of food I eat and therefore keep on the road to wellness.
Keep your electrolytes stable during your first couple of weeks and eat. good. food. Watch your carbs and the rest will take care of itself. :)
Better today! Bacon cheese and avocado omelette!
So let's check in, how is everyone doing this week?
Could you take your own Keto treat to the celebration and enjoy it while the others are having cake? My cousin is Type 1 Diabetic and that is his go to solution.
I should mention I also have PCOS.
I am also a newbie & could use some company. Been listening to the 2 Keto Dudes podcast. Bulletproof coffee in the morning then Keto lunch around 2pm & Keto dinner before 8pm.