seansta5 Member


  • I know that in males if you do too much cardio it decreases our testosterone and increases our cortisol levels which makes us gain weight. I believe cardio alone is most definitely not the answer. However, compoubd workouts or circuit training is a better approach. This mixes weight lifting and cardio together in multiple…
  • I think he is telling me that if I set my weight loss goal to 2 lbs per week I would need to eat back the exercise calories (the extra carbs) to restore the energy I lost from working out. However, if I set a slower and more steady goal of 1 lb per week I will not need to eat as many carbs to restore my energy. I believe…
  • Thanks man! That seems to be the same answer everyone else has given me which is a bit of a relief
  • So with my size and frame I don't believe the BMI is a good indicator as you mentioned above. Right now I sit at 262 and that to me is a big overweight but not obese. If I can get down to 240 then I will be in a normal weight range. I am 6'6 so I am not short and stocky as the BMI would suggest. A lot of people close to me…
  • Thank you!
  • How often should I readjust my maintenance calories and my deficit to prevent myself from plateauing? @janejellyroll
  • So it would be smarter to eat back all of my exercise calories post workout? Also, how would I know when it is time to go for a bit larger deficit than 500? Are there any times where you may need to make adjustments after doing the same deficit for a long time?
  • Thank you so much for offering great advice while supporting healthy eating and exercise practices!
  • I can simply increase my daily intake of lean protein to solve this issue. Would this be a possible solution? And I just want to lose this fat and achieve my goal in 3 to 4 months. I think it is doable. The muscle I lose while doing this can be built up again once the fat i lost. It seems to make sense in theory
  • Thank you for this! So if I wanted to lose weight quicker I wouldnt have to eat back my exercise calories right? I can just exercise while eating the 2,370 calories per day which will leave me at a solid 500 calorie deficit plus whatever i burn during exercise? So say i burn 600 calories a day that would mean my total…
  • That is exactly what I was trying to say. I do not want to lose weight slowly. I am okay with not eating back my exercise calories.
  • Okay so I changed my goal to something more realistic such as losing 1 lb of fat per week. This increased my base calories to 2,370. Now what is this base calorie amount telling me? What does it include and what does it not include if this makes any sense? For instance, are these 2,370 calories simply my maintenance…
  • Makes more sense now. Thank you!
  • Thank you!
  • I I apprecia I appreciate your help! I do not have a lot of excess weight everywhere. My only issue is the lower abdominal visceral fat. The baby fat if you will. My goal is to decrease my body fat % so that I can get abs and be able to maintain and eventually grow the lean muscle. I dont know if anyone here has this exact…
  • Okay so I am understanding this a bit more now so I want to say thank you. The only question that still arises is in the example you used. Say I go for that run and it is my only exercise for that day. I eat those 200 calories to gain back what i lost. Yes, that might leave me with the same deficit I started out with but…
  • @deannalfisher you see how this person stays on topic? This is what a forum is all about. Continuing to talk about the main thread and conversing back and forth and listening to everyones advice and then if queations arise we can all help each other out and learn new things. Not making assumptions and going off topic.
  • Because you are telling me what you think my body fat percentage is. I never asked you for advice on my body fat and you made a far fetched assumption. Secondly, i have another guy giving me counseling advice telling me I am overthinking everything. I never asked for advice on whether or not my mindset will suffice as I…
  • I am new to this app so I am still trying to navigate it. So i figure out how many calories I burned during exercise and eat that amount of calories directly afterwards to cancel them out? And I assume the calories I eat before the workout are part of my base calories. The only thing I do not understand is how I will still…
  • My whole mindset with the plus exercise calories is that I do not want to gain excess weight whether that be fat or muscle from these extra calories i will be consuming in order to workout. I understand what you are saying but what if I consume extra calories for exercise and then I do not burn off those calories? Now I am…
  • I will be working out as well and I plan on doing so with the calories they have given me which should put me at more of a deficit. I may increase my protein post workout but thats about it
  • I have belly fat I want to lose. Lower abdominal visceral fat. I have a large frame. I will get my body fat measured today at the gym and let you know. I may be 27% max but i highly doubt I would be that high.
  • Im 6'6 so why would I be over 25% ? Lol
  • Thanks for the tip. Spare the counseling please. MFP discourages it.
  • I have Type 1 Diabetes so my metabolism is already slow as it is and I feel as though I am carb sensitive so I do not want to be loading up on carbs if I dont have to. What do you mean by eating back my exercise calories? I also referenced myself working out tired when I was eating 2,700 calories per day. Maybe it could…
  • I am probably about 25% body fat right now.
  • Thank you!
  • @livingleanlivingclean I will admit I haven't experimented with the Macros yet. I was doing high lean protein as well but I noticed the meals became hard to adhere to. I would become exhausted after eating 250 grams of protein everyday and then I would have to work out tired which I didnt want to do. Also, I should mention…