dani7098 Member


  • Nike fitness I've been using for 2 weeks. Different programs for different levels. At home, gym or running options. Very flexible I'm liking it.
  • Good luck, you will have bad days just log it all so you can see what's happening. Start again the next day. Small steps build into bigger ones I find keeps you motivated rather than a dramatic change that can put you off very quickly. I'm just back at it 4 weeks in.
  • Sausage, butternut squash and sweet potato mash, broccoli and gravy.
  • Oxygen crossfit class this evening. First one joined last week going to be challenging but fun. Love variation
  • Thanks for the advice, this Box don't push you more than should be more supportive so will see how I go. My friend was at a more local one before that did push her to far she kept getting injured which almost affected her job progression as she has a physical job and needs to be physically fit. When she said no was not…
  • Definitely YouTube. Jessica Smith TV channel is good for all levels no equipment needed and Body Fit by Amy. Also have Pop Sugar Fitness