so what should bulk macros look like? do protein and fats stay the same during bulk and cut?
so when i want to drop the calories after i see that i'm not losing weight, should i cut carbs?
when you say the rest of the calories where you like, do you mean from carbs?
so what should my macros look like for maintenance? i'm so new to this and tbh have no idea what i'm doing
i'm not trying to jump into a crazy cut and drop my calories a lot right away. i'm trying to take it slow. i'm new to fitness and all of this causes a big headache for me.
so i should be eating around 115g of protein
how do i set my fitness pal to maintenance
by how i look in the mirror
no clue. i do not own a scale
i've gained a good amount of muscle mass in the past 6 weeks
what would you all suggest? i've gained some body fat, but it's not noticeable by others. should i drop carbs?
i set my macros for the last week for 156 g of protein, 261 g of carb, and 47 g of fat. is that too high of protein and fats?
i do moderate exercise. i'm in the gym for about an hour- hour and a half a day due to being in college and working 70 hour work weeks. (not letting my busy schedule get in the way of the gym bc that's a stupid excuse) but what would my macros look like for moderate ecersice? thanks a lot! best answer
i do moderate exercise. i'm in the gym for about an hour- hour and a half a day due to being in college and working 70 hour work weeks. (not letting my busy schedule get in the way of the gym bc that's a stupid excuse) but what would my macros look like for moderate ecersice? thanks a lot! best answer
so what should my macros looks like?
i am currently having 111g of protein, 222g of carbohydrates, and 30 g of fat. is that what i should be eating to gain muscle but lose body fat %?
can you explain? i'm new to this
i am trying to get my body fat percentage down and put on muscle at the same time