TDurdenFC Member


  • Welcome! I also tried WW, problem with those programs is typically we are all different! Definitely didn't work for me! I tried counting calories as well but I found my body responded best to low carb/high fat! It's a trial and error process isn't it?? Good luck on your journey! You can do it! :smile:
  • Welcome! This app is super helpful in just keeping track of what is going on. I'm right there with ya with counting calories, I tend to over analyze and start getting so caught up in the details that I stress out and give up! I'm on the Keto diet right now since I have an autoimmune disease and also diagnosed as…
  • Hey! Welcome! Yeah, I have a daughter who will be turning 2 in October, I also have Hashimoto's thyroiditis so my energy levels are next to none! Haha! Feel free to add me if you'd like, we can all use all the help we can get! :smile:
  • Way to go!! I started a few weeks ago and am using this app to help keep track of my fat intake (was struggling to get enough!) Keto has been by far the best option for me :smile:
  • Wow! Only 15 to go! That's incredible! You can do it for sure, you're so close, don't give up! :smile:
  • Welcome! From the US over here, congrats on starting your journey!