PurpleCrazies Member


  • Yep normal for me. Spent time in hospital recently following emergency surgery. It was a problem as it dropped so far and I was anemic from major blood loss. However is now getting back to normal for me and still low for most. If your regular doctor is happy and its not causing problems don't worry about it.
  • Thanks for the suggestions. I think I am going to try to listen to my body and eat mindfully while I recover. Plus as my husband and son will have to help out with the cooking initially I am sure they will add hidden calories that I cut.
  • My teenage fitness obsessed rugby player son gave me some really good advice when I decided to loose weight. "Mum, the thing you need to remember about the gym is that everybody there is on a journey. Its just that some people are further ahead of you." It still took me 3 months to go, having followed Slimming World during…
  • I feel guilty if I look at the stats and haven't met my targets.
  • Hi Heather and welcome
  • I moved my desk at work so the tuck shop was no longer within my eye line and starting taking lunch in. Fewer bags of crisps, chocolate, biscuits in the afternoon... and less chips/pasty/stodge in the work canteen. Weigh rice and potatoes so I control portion size at home and cook from scratch. Lots and lots of SP food. I…
  • I am on my second time around shedding weight. The first time having lost 30lb I mentioned it to a co-worker that I needed to get a new uniform jacket. She said "I had noticed you were loosing weight but hadn't wanted to mention it in case you were unwell and it was intrusive and personal, or upsetting." People may notice…
  • I use a Garmin HR+. Really good for inside and outside use and very accurate as far as I can tell.
  • I am doing Slimming World and have lost over a stone since starting. I track CICO on here but I follow the SW healthy eating plan and in theory count syns. I have a lot to loose so keep a mental track of syns and don't game the system but I am not obsessive about them. I do watch the amount of Carb I eat as it is something…
  • I do the two together. I follow the SW eating plan but weigh and log using MFP. That means I can also see the calories I am consuming. Loosing weight (which is my goal) each week. I also have my Garmen linked which allows me to offset exercise.