Nhoff70 Member


  • Phoenix, AZ .... so glad it's finally cooling off here. We're accustomed to 110+ here. It's 68-72 at 6:30am so can walk my dog now. Really missed doing that this summer. Weight suffered for it! Feel free to add me...also taking it one day at a time!
  • Yes, I'm in my late forties (47 to be exact) and have been on here for a week. I love the enthusiasm and happy that there are like-minded people doing our best to get fit and be accountable for what we eat. Please feel free to add me!!
  • Welcome!! Glad that you've recovered nicely. I too have just started in the gym, weight/resistance training, it's done wonders but need to stick with it to get my desired results.
  • What a great idea! I love making list so this tip will really work for me. Thank you!
  • I love your thoughts in your journal. Please add me if you are looking for encouragement and support. I have about 40 lbs to lose, have been on MFP for 5 days and have only lost 1.8 lbs. I'm trying not to get discouraged but it's hard. The calorie counting is getting easier and I'm thinking about changing my goals to be…
  • I like one piece of wheat bread toasted, spread with almond butter, and top with half a banana.... yum!! Very filling.. no eggs!
  • I also had the same problem with plateauing. I was using the treadmill 3x a week @ 3.7 mph 40 mins a session. This is excellent for "maintaining". I had to step it up to weight training and change my diet. Added more fiber, veggies, fruits, grains. I hope to see the same results you have. Would love to weight 135-140! I…
  • Foods rich in fiber seem to be helping me. For example today I tried 1 sliced of wheat bread toasted with almond butter, and half a sliced banana. Tasted good, filled me up, and didn't stress that it wasn't too good for me. I also drink lots of water or a nice hot cup of coffe/tea will quell hunger pangs in a pinch.
  • That's awesome! I wish I could lose as quickly as that. How did you do that???It's so hard with the summer ending and all the holidays coming up! Stay focused!
  • My cousin told me about ACV. Half a bottle of water with a dash of cayenne pepper, and a shot of AVC. Definitely curbs the appetite. Not so much of a diet, but better than diet pills. Cousin has Crohn's disease and the ACV is more natural appetite suppressant. Good luck! I'm with you on this one!
  • You can add me! I just signed up today and need a lot of support too. This journey has taken years. I was once very heavy but recently decided I needed to lose another 40lbs. Long road ahead!! Ugh!