alexxazt Member


  • also...not exactly a “soft look” but more like this:
  • Even if I have 50lbs to lose? Or is that just the caloric deficit part?
  • I guess? Not like super jacked fit but more of the thin but little lines here and there. So I was just wondering if it mattered the workout or anything! Like should I be doing more hevay lifting in the initial phase or more cardio in the initial phase?
  • I’m fat-fit now. Want to be skinny-fit. Then eventually maybe fitter fit. I’m not into the whole “Michelle Lewin” look but more into the the Nike kind of thin-fit look. Or “base body babes” look.
  • If it’s so simple of just 1,2,3 why is it so complicated to just get an answer now adays haha! Thank you!! So does a workout like this work fine? Or should it be more for a “building muscle after losing fat” phase? Monday: Lower Tuesday: Upper Wednesday: Core and Cardio Thursday: Lower Body Friday: Upper and Cardio
  • So if you are resistance training but still not getting enough protein, it won’t really help repair?
  • Thank you all so much! There’s really sooo much information out there and I think I just got overwhelmed over what was real and what was marketing. And yes, 25lbs in 5 months seems better. Thank you!!
  • I’d love to get into bikini fitness modeling some day, so ultimately, I’d like to lose all the weight (and maintain any lean muscle I have if possible) and then do specifically tailored weight training for muscles. So with weight loss, I’d like to get lean, and not just a smaller flab version, of that makes sense;)
  • What do you mean by more destructive? Sorry, I’m a semi newbie. I’ve been exercising for years, but nutrition always sucks on weekends. My goal has been weight loss for what feels like forever!
  • Oh okay! So like I just haven’t been able to budge below 160lbs! Back in January I was able to get to 150lbs but then gained 10 back to 160lbs! I just have been having trouble getting to my goal of 135lbs! Is that yo-yo dieting? Or a slower metabolism?
  • So just being consistent with intake can bring me to my goals, and metabolism isn’t any slower? It’s just I haven’t been at a week calorie deficit and that’s it? And what is 5:2?