50lb Goal Weight Loss Help

alexxazt Posts: 23 Member
edited December 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
I am at 180lbs, 5’6”, female, 20 years old and my goal weight would be around 130-145lbs.
I have lost and gained weight for about 4 years and it’s frustrating. I am now at my highest at 180lbs.
I am not a newbie at lifting or exercising, and I am not a newbie to nutrition.

But here’s the thing, I have been OBSESSED with researching, googling, YouTubing on how to lose weight, what’s the best approach, what’s myth and fact, vegan? Paleo? IIFYM? Intuitive eating?
Plant Based people say meat causes cancer and calories don’t matter at all, so eat all you want, paleo people say Legumes are the plague.
And then I would go on Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube spending hours watching people’s transformation stories and how they did it and what the suggest.
I’ve tracked calories and macros before but it’s sooo hard for me to mentally get back into it, as I dislike logging in myfitnesspal.
If I rreeeeeaaaalllllyyyyy HAVE to track calories and macros again, I’ll consider doing it.
It’s getting annoying and I wanted to ask you guys here because you are the only people who I know don’t give BS answers who try to sell something in the process.

So here is my question.
How do you lose weight and be healthy?

Is it really just:
Caloric Deficit + Whole Foods?

Is it fine to be in a caloric Deficit and eat mainly fruits, vegetables, some protein, Legumes, grains, fats, and an occasional chocolate as long as within calories?
Do I have to do the whole:
You have to eat a lot of protein, otherwise you’ll shrivel up.
You have to lift weights, otherwise you’ll look skinny fat.

Can I just cycle(bicycle) 2-3x a week and do HIIT body weight circuits 2-3x a week?

I guess overall, does this work and is this effective for losing 50lbs in 5-6 months:

Eat Whole Foods (fruits, vegetables, Legumes, grains, fats, and some protein w/ occasional treats)
Caloric Deficit
Cycle 2-3x/Week
HIIT body weight strength 2-3x/Week

Any advice to help me get out this obsession in researching for the best diet or more effective way would be awesome!
I’d really love to stop spending all my time watching and reading about how to lose weight and actually do meaningful things. Thanks!!


  • SteamPug
    SteamPug Posts: 262 Member
    You don’t have to log with MFP and if we’re talking about only weight loss you don’t even need to eat healthy. If you’re sure you’re accurate with counting and take time to weigh your foods, there’s nothing wrong with counting in your head. The only downside is you can’t track numbers over time. I personally find MFP way too fiddly (and idk I guess I’m lazy) but the best way to reliably lose weight is to eat at a deficit, so I count in my head and stop when I’ve reached my limit. Otherwise I don’t bother with any specific diet. If you wanna be healthy that’s fine - but there’s no one good diet for weight loss, it really is as simple as eating less calories than you expend.
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    Having goals is a great way to motivate yourself

    SMART goal setting is even better:


    Your goal meets all these except the realistic timeframe. 50lbs in 6 months from where you are is not really doable.

    I suggest you set a goal for each of 5 week, 10 week, 20 week, 30 week and 50 weeks. Once you start making progress the goals will motivate. Maybe go 7lbs in 5 weeks, 12 in 10, 18 in 20, 26 in 30, 40 in 50...

    That is reasonable, achievable, realistic. Remember as you get closer to target you'll be dropping more slowly
  • displaced1
    displaced1 Posts: 73 Member
    Assuming you’re relatively healthy, just calorie deficit should help you lose weight. However you go about it is up to you. A lot of diets exist that may or may not appeal to you. I use what is helpful for me. I like Whole Foods and mostly vegetarian, but others love low carb high fat. I use DASH guidelines to remind me to eat varieties of foods, others may find it too restrictive. Some people eat subway everyday, or cabbage soup, or whatever. If you track your calories and stay at a deficit, you’ll lose weight.
  • NextRightThing714
    NextRightThing714 Posts: 355 Member
    edited December 2017
    Yes. Your plan will work but only because of your caloric deficit. It's been noted already but just to reinforce, you shouldn't try to lose 50 pounds in 5 months. You're setting yourself up for frustration, crashing, falling off the wagon, rinse-wash-repeat. 25 pounds in that time frame may be more manageable but there is generally no need for a time-based goal. You've got to do this forever anyway, right? So what's the rush? Good luck.

    ETA: spelling.
  • brittneyalley
    brittneyalley Posts: 274 Member
    edited December 2017
    Your goal should be 1lb/week and then once in the normal BMI range it should be .5/week. Even 25 pounds may be too ambiguous (to lose in 5 months).
  • Goober1142
    Goober1142 Posts: 219 Member
    I might add that if you eat the same foods all the time it's easy to track the calories on paper once you figure out how many are in there.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,663 Member
    I'm down 48 lbs just by eating within my calories & adjusting how I eat. I also eat back about 75% of exercise calories. I don't exercise a lot, I am active however. I don't have a fitbit or similar device