pkeye Member


  • I currently use an Apple Watch SE integrated with MFP and my weight is finally coming off again. Another popular program that I used previously grossly overestimated calories burned using a Fitbit, but the Apple Watch/MFP is right on and I am eating within my daily calorie allotment.
    in Apple Watch Comment by pkeye March 2022
  • It is interesting to read the posts from March 2nd, not a lot of worry, no big deal, this will all pass quickly. That is exactly how I felt two weeks ago, but things have changed and my worry-meter is starting to overload. It is now all around where we live, nurses on the front lines don't have enough PPE (personal…
  • I am not exercising as much either, all gyms are closed, walking only (weather permitting) and riding my horse (but limited due to social distancing). Yes, I am eating more due to anxiety. This situation is very nerve-wracking both healthwise and financially in our home, hoping and praying it ends sooner than later!
  • I'm in California, we are a "shelter in place" state. I walk everyday outside (weather permitting). All gyms, restaurants, & non-essential businesses are closed to the public. It is very quiet outside, no air/auto traffic, rather unsettling and I am eating more due to anxiety over the whole pandemic. Yikes!
  • Every day for me, keeps me focused and honest. I was a member of WW (weight watchers) for many years and weighing weekly provoked too much anxiety on my part, worrying all week if I lost any weight. Daily is just a part of my morning routine now, great way to start the day!! Good luck, MFP app works!
  • Bad news - just ate half a carton of ice cream ... good news - sent the rest down the garbage disposal. I have no control with ice cream in the house.
  • Definitely anxiety eater here ... best thing for me is to get away from the refrigerator and MOVE!! exercise (walk, jog, gym). However, my daily medicine is riding my horse, my anxiety lifts and time passes without worry. I love the beauty of the countryside and being in the presence of these majestic animals.
  • I am "restarting" again today, will keep eyes on this post to see how others have stayed with it. My problem is consistency, logging daily BEFORE I eat in make better choices.