Time4Nana Member


  • Jamie - I eat 5 to 6 small meals per day 3 hours apart. Drinking my water in between and never really get hungry as long as I avoid starchy foods or sweets. Now that doesn’t mean I don’t ever want something when I shouldn’t, I’m not really hungry it’s just in my head. That’s when you drink extra fluids or occupy your mind…
  • They also have some very good bariatric recipes on their website you can use if you don’t order any of the products. My two favorite products are the Cafe Bella Latte which I mix with coffee and the Beef Stroganoff Bone Broth.
  • Sara the closer you get to surgery the doctor will probably have you drink protein shakes to prepare yourself.
  • I like the Inspire shakes they are low in carbs and taste better than most I’ve tried. My favorite is Cafe Bella which I have mixed in my coffee but lately I have been mixing it with hot water and really enjoy it. You have to mix in a small amount of liquid before adding to a hot liquid or you will end up with a nasty mess…
  • My daughter had the lap band and had to have it removed. Then they did a revision because her lap band began to cause medical problems to a RNY. I had a RNY myself and the only thing my nutritionist told me was to eat 80 - 90+ grams of protein, no processed foods, sugar, rice, pasta, potatoes, or breads. So the only thing…
  • I also found I am more sensitive to carbs since my RNY on 10/26. I had to cut back on the carbs to start loosing again. I’m 66 yo and was getting very discouraged that the pounds weren’t coming off. I appreciate your sharing because I haven’t seen my dietician since the surgery. In fact I only saw her once before.
  • Did it happen while you were in the hospital? If it continues I would call your surgeon’s office and talk to his nurse. Hope it gets better.
  • I did 2 weeks of liquids drinking different flavors of protein shakes, soup broths and sugar free popsicles. I never really was hungry those first few weeks only thirsty so plenty of water. It sounds hard but you will do fine.
  • If you are on prescription medication you may want to buy a pill crusher. I use it to crush my blood pressure medications. Always check to make sure you prescription medication can be crushed, cut, chewed or dissolved before taking in one of those forms.
  • I ate something I shouldn’t have yesterday afternoon and had severe stomach cramps and nausea. The cramping went on through the evening. I had to take my blood pressure meds before bed which may have not been a good idea because as soon as I did they came back up. This morning my stomach still feels upset. I had hoped…
  • This is going to be the hardest part of this plan for me because I’m always drinking water all throughout the day. Now I seem to be even more thirsty.
  • Thank you everyone for your input I’m in my 2 - 4 week of post op where I’m beginning to eat soft foods and have a lot learn in this new way of living.
  • Is the 30/30 a permanent part of our eating now or is it one of the stages we go through?
  • Woohoo had eggs this morning without any issues. So happy to be moving along. I think the hardest part is the 30/30 rule. I know it’s my imagination but I’m so thirsty in that time period. It starange how how our mind plays tricks with us. LOL
  • I’m now on soft foods, one meal a day for the next two weeks.
  • I did go see the dr for my 2 week follow up this morning. He told me part of the added problem I’m having is the area healing from my hiatal hernia repair because it was very large wrapping around my esophagus and then my stomach was going up into it. So he had to repair that before he could even begin the bypass. But he…
  • Managed to out and walk a little today. It wore me out but did better than I’ve been doing. I thought I was getting a handle on taking my pills but this morning they nearly came up and left my stomach hurting. Hopefully I’ll come off some meds soon. Already see a big difference in my glucose numbers. That’s a nasty tasting…
  • Hopefully I can start on soft foods Friday. Can’t believe how I’m looking forward to mush :-)
  • RNY friends requests would be appreciated.
  • I’ve have been so weak since Thursday, no energy to move around. I’m only getting about 400 calories a day with 3 protein drinks and liquids. Is that normal. I’ll my surgeon Wednesday hopefully he’ll let me start with some soft foods.
  • No I have to have a straight liquid diet until my dr appointment on 11/8. I am drinking protein shakes and clear liquids. Most of my pills barely have a taste but my jardiance and gabapentine taste horrible. The Snapple at least makes a little bit better. If all goes well I can start soft foods when I see the dr.
  • Feeling better each day and getting up and moving around the house. My shoulders still hurt but that’s improving too. Thank you for your input. I just reread my original post and boy the words I left out in certain sentences. I think part of that was the med pills. I don’t like pain meds it Interferes with my thought…
  • My surgery is in 12 days and I have to admit I’m nervous about it. I have been overweight my whole adult life and hoped this was going to be my saving grace. To go through this surgery and to lose weight and have to battle to keep off sounds a little discouraging. Are y’all glad you had the surgery and would you do it…
  • My first appointment with the surgeon was July 21 and he has had me follow a bariatric diet from the beginning. He said that way I would learn how I would be eating after gastric bypass. So far I have lost 34 pounds and my surgery is scheduled for Oct 26.