gina9410 Member


  • I’m so sorry for your loss! I know that doesn’t help the pain (I just had to put my dog down in October), but you deserve a little grace during such a hard time. Take care xx.
  • 200g of protein in one day? That blows my mind. I didn't realize 60g was so low, now I'm embarrassed! No, I know myself. I'm only lightly active and very thin (but healthy!), I'm just trying to meet my nutrition goals through MFP. But thank you for the tips! I'm definitely going to check on the MFP entries and make sure…
  • Thank you!! This is actually super helpful! I would prefer to get my protein through my diet but it seemed difficult. I'll definitely use this, though, thanks!
  • Probably, haha. I’m still pretty new to this, for the most part my diet is healthy I’m just falling a little short on my MFP goal.
  • Yeah, honestly I’m not big on liquids in general. I stick to water and don’t consume it with meals. I’m wondering if that’s another thing to try, whether on an empty stomach or full? I don’t know, but this recipe sounds interesting. I’m interested in trying it, it doesn’t bother you at all?
  • As of right now chicken is the major source of my daily protein but a little unrealistic for me to reach my goal (60g). I would love to reach it through diet but I can only eat so much without feeling stuffed.
  • I’m not sure on the name of the powders I’ve tried, but I could look into that ingredient. I’m not lactose intolerant but don’t consume dairy regularly. I’d like to increase my protein because I don’t reach my daily goal through MFP—I’m usually average around 40g a day when I should be at 60g. I figured a protein…
  • I think it’s a lot to do with genetics and a little bit with your food habits. I’ve been naturally skinny my whole life, but so is the rest of my family. Honestly, I don’t need that much food to feel full. I have three meals a day but have to plan when to have snacks or I won’t be hungry for them. So yeah, even if I eat…