ehloring Member


  • Today I stayed in control. Interestingly- i wasn't very hungry. However, i had a bigger lunch which filled me up (only coffee in the morning) and a good dinner. Got myself to the gym after work as well. I am still feeling my way through to find what works best for me. What might have worked 5 years ago doesn't work now. I…
  • Wow! You are so right! I guess the first thing I need to change is my attitude and how I view my eating. Thanks- this is "food" for thought!
  • I'm not a gum chewer but it's a good suggestion. I have been going to the gym after work. I'm thinking about extending my workout time. That will push up my dinner time. I'll try anything!!
  • I actually have tea to try and give an eating "closure" to my day. Tonight I had the hungry horrors and had coffee and one biscotti. Luckiy my daughter visited with her baby and that distracted me from thinking about it. Also- I don't have a lot of options in the house to splurge on.
  • Calorie counting is so nicely flexible and easy to calculate. I couldn't stand having to figure out point values that WW assigned to foods. I felt it had become very commercialized as well. At least at the last meetings I had attended- they spent a lot of time pushing their products and foods it became more about making…
  • I think evenings are my down time where I am probably less challenged (bored). I tend to watch tv and you know what goes with tv- snacking. But I've been crocheting or I watch tv in bed so I'm not around food. I have a healthy calorie allowance and I save most of my calories for the evening. I don't exactly deny myself. I…
  • I define mindful eating of being conscious of what I am putting in my mouth rather than how I am eating. How I eat is my behavior. To me being mindful is planning to have good food available to eat, planning on how I will fit a piece of cake into my calorie alottment for the day. When I go to a party, I take a plate and…
  • Whenever I seem to start to get myself under control- something "emotional" happens and throws me off track. So I am trying again. Here is what I am doing. Maybe some of my plan will help you. I always feel tired and unmotivated in my life when I overeat. It is amazing that even after just one day tracking my foods and…
  • Walking doesn't do anything for you. This was from my mother and was eventually retracted.
  • 62 in the Boston area. Trying to get on a good path to controlling my foods and exercise. I know this app will help. Would be happy to support and encourage anyone looking for a friend to accompany them down this road.
  • Today I begin again. For me it's just getting on the right path: the actual weight goal is not as important. I need to get back to mindful eating and regular exercise. I hope this app will encourage me. The tracking is important. I went to the Y this morning and did some moderate walking. Planning healthy eating for today.…