LisaMullins1961 Member


  • I started a week ago on Keto, gradually getting into it, was hoping this would help with the Keto flu. On Dec 31, I went right into it and the next few days I began doing the Bulletproof Coffee, this is the only way I can get enough fats in. If you have not read up on it, do so. It sounds gross, but it really has a good…
  • Breakfast 2 eggs with Sausage Lunch Turkey, with cheese Dinner Taco, I am taking the cheese and making around shell for the meat to hold, Had seen this onf facebook and been wanting to try it.
  • forgot to say the Keto's diet is percentages, I have mine set on 70, 20 and carbs 5 for 100 % the pie chart is an ad on app for myfitnesspal
  • Yes I do scan, but I also verify to make sure it is correct. Also the pie chart just helps me, to make sure my fats and proteins are where they are. I know a few years ago I was worried about getting enough calories in and my doctor said a 1,000 or a little less would be ok for me. Even though the scale still show 250, He…
  • I moved from the area that I had surgery, But my doctor was all about eatting this way. After surgery we are suppose to be doing low carb and eat good vegetables. My stomach is still not that big, so its hard to eat a whole chiken thigh, And all the fats I am doing are good fats. So I feel like I am safe there, I did have…
  • I am putting everything in to myfitnesspal. and it and scanning the items for information. I am using the PIE and it shows all my numbers are good. Just calories are low.
  • ok, new post didn't post my weight goals on the first one :) Although I am not new to Myfitnesspal, I was forced to start a new one since it's been a while. I had Gastric Bypass in 2008 and lost 175 lbs, and since then I have gone up and down in weight. In May 2016, I was able to have my apron removed (Panniculectomy) that…
  • I used the keto strips while doing Atkins years ago, and have decided not to use them this time around. They are not always accurate, you have to use them at the right time and people get obsessive about it. Just know if you are doing the diet as it should be done, the weight will come off. I started 5 days ago getting…
  • Good Morning all, Happy New Year! I just started out on keto's 5 days ago, and have lost 6 lbs so far. Would like to find out more about the challenge, and get on board. More fun when you do it with friends :)