Don’t chase any fad diets because they are a waste of time. CICO is what you need to remember. Remember to stay hydrated!
Fad diets just don’t work.. she’ll find out eventually, but some people don’t. The only way to loose weight is to loose weight, meaning cico
I’m going to try to up that back to 1200 calories or possibly higher. I’m already at a healthy BMI I just want to loose 5 more pounds, still at a healthy BMI.
I didn’t think I leaned on the wall but I’ve done that before too. I’ll try again tomorrow because i like to weigh myself at the same time. Ill make sure it’s on an even surface and drag it out to the middle of the floor. Thanks!
I also didn’t urinate more than usual, sweat, work out the day before, or anything like that.
No. If you save your calories and junk for one day you’re not making any progress. Cheat days shouldn’t exist in my opinion. What makes then better than now?
Create your own snacking juices out of berries. It’s easy, just mix a few berries with water then drain the seeds. Very few calories so you don’t have to worry about anything and it satisfies.
Thank you for this advice. I’ll definitely keep it in mind! what you said about muscle mass helped a lot because of my fear of bulking up.. that’s a little irrational but I hope you can understand.
Speak to your doctor as I am not a licensed professional. Anorexia is a lot more than meets the eye, and chances are you won’t have it. You certainly do not want it either! Can not stress that enough. For most people it will show signs in early childhood, and it is again, rare that signs only start to show in adulthood.…
I’m 5’6. Shouldn’t I still be loosing if I’m keeping the same pattern instead of toning? I’ve heard a lot about muscle and that doesn’t interest me that much. I’ll look at if I need to stop loosing fat though. Thank you for the advice.
A month. I dropped from size three to size zero. I hope that helps.
Look at your calorie intake. Any thing that’s too low will cause you to binge. It’s almost unavoidable. When your body is deprived you will do anything you can. It’s just natural. Don’t feel to guilty about it. Try to move some of your extra snacking calories if you have any into your meals. You’ll feel fuller and be…