kat_ontherun Member


  • Last month's total: 76.7 km January goal: 151 km Today I started week 3 of HM training with an easy 5k. I am planning on running the HM on February 4th, and my goal is to complete the distance, not worried about pace. I'm both nervous and excited for my upcoming long runs!
  • December goal: 30.5 km (up through Dec 17th) What I did: 76.7 km (total for december) I finished my virtual 5k race and felt great! I ran it faster than I was hoping for and felt really good about everything leading up to it. I was much more dedicated with my training than with anything I've ever done before. I kept my…
  • December goal: 30.5 km This goal is only going up to the 17th, or the day of my virtual 5k race. My training plan will be over then and I haven't made a decision on whether I'm going to train for a faster 5k after this one, or jump to a 10k. Also, I'm going to be pretty busy over the holidays so we'll see how everything…
  • Just finished my last run of November! Haven't been on the forum since the beginning of the month, but I've been busy running! I would say the Run with Hal program has been a success so far and I am now 17 days away from my first official 5k race. It's virtual but I got my swag for it a couple weeks ago and I'm itching to…
  • I’m in for 42.5 km this month! Can’t wait to start. :smile:
  • Hello there! I’m late to the party but just remembered following this forum a couple years ago when I was running track in high school. I’ve run on and off since then, but with quarantine I’ve found it’s helping me keep my sanity LOL. Haven’t done much running this month (but a lot of walking that I never remembered to…
  • I took a rest day yesterday since I was feeling pretty worn down from the last few days of higher mileage than I'm used to. Going to go out on another run during my lunch break today and after I get off work.
  • I wasn't going to run today because I have piano students and now a uke student coming over to my house (which is currently in total disarray). I've also never taught uke before and haven't done any lesson planning. Yikes! Well, I guess I'll have to find some time to throw something together after making the mad dash to…
  • Went on my afternoon run - felt amazing. I got into a really nice rhythm and forgot I was working out. All was well until I checked my phone to find out my tracker wasn't turned on. Oh well. So I trudged home and kicked myself for forgetting to do my usual check to make sure the tracker is working. I was running faster…
  • @shanaber I am sooo jealous of your view! That pupper with his tongue sticking out is adorable too! Love Vizslas!
  • @skippygirlsmom Thanks! That is so awesome that your daughter had so many people there to support her! It is really great to have a support system! :) @Elise4270 haha! I can be a bit cynical too at times! If you don't feel like you have support - I bet a lot of the people on this forum would say that they are here for you.…
  • Ran 1 mile on the dreadmill last night and then fell asleep on the couch at around 7 pm while binge watching Monk. Was woken up by a family member at around 11:30 and I went straight to bed and slept in until 9:30. It felt great to catch up on sleep. I had such a fun run in the rain today! Went only 2 miles, but I really…
  • I had to go to the office today for my internship (I've gotten called in as needed over the last few years to do all the boring projects that nobody else wants to bother with). So had to get up earlier than usual for over an hour-long commute, so I got very little sleep last night. Didn't end up running today because of…
  • @katharmonic That definitely sounds fun! I will have to look into that.
  • @katharmonic I have always wanted to try stand-up paddle boarding. It looks like fun and a good workout. @midwesterner85 and @5BeautifulDays Nice job pushing through your runs in the heat! I'm usually the type of person who is always cold no matter what, but when I start running I whine about even the nicest weather. It's…
  • Super muggy and rainy outside today, so did 3 miles on the treadmill! I got plenty of sleep last night, started with an early breakfast and lunch, then ran at around 5pm when I felt like my energy was finally back after so many days of fatigue. It was tough to keep going after the first mile, but I decided to play around…
  • Ok, so for the last week I've been trying to do intermittent fasting again. I've been trying it on and off for the last year, but I think this is the last time I will try it. It just seems to make me stay up later and sleep in longer like my body is adjusting to the late breakfast. I've been trying to run while fasted, but…
  • @skippygirlsmom Thanks! I do plan on running in college, but not on their team. I hope to join a running group and some club sports though!
  • Starting fresh this month. I had a great season of track, graduated from high school, had a big party, ate a lot of food, and didn't exercise for almost a month. It was fun, but now I really need to quit eating Oreos - lol (they are my weakness). This month's focus is going to be on consistency - in regards to eating…
  • March mileage goal: ?? My actual goal: To run at least once outside every day. My goal also is to enjoy this last high school track season and not worry about performance - instead I am going to focus on staying positive and enjoying the experience! Track is starting on the 12th and I am feeling so pumped! Stupid phone…
  • Ok, so I haven't been posting on this forum for the majority of the month. Turns out after more than 2 months of running exclusively on the treadmill, I hit a major turning point. Running had become a chore - and a boring one at that. No matter what I tried, the thought of getting on that darn treadmill for another mile…
  • I went on a couple more runs this week and have been working on my strength training. I decided to do several reps of different squat variations with some weights and woke up the next day hardly able to walk up the stairs - so no run yesterday. Today I desperately want to run outside after only treadmill runs for the last…
  • So I've gone on only 1 run this week. Since it was my birthday, the Super Bowl, and the last days before the first round of college exams, this last weekend was pretty crazy. There was lots of studying, lots of partying, and lots and lots of food. I went out yesterday and had pretty much the worst run ever. I ate too much…
  • @PastorVincent thanks for the advice and book recommendation - I will definitely check that out!
  • Thanks for your advice! I must have messed up the resting heart rate. We did it once in health class but it was later in the day, so it must have been too high because I had been active and it wasn't first thing in the morning. I will retake my resting HR tomorrow morning to get a more accurate reading.
  • Finished an easy 5k tonight as planned. It felt so good to go on a short easy run and I hardly even broke a sweat. I'm taking a health class for college right now that requires you to record your HR during your workouts; something I've never done before. I was at 132 bpm for the majority of the run - from what I've seen…
  • Finished January on a high note with a new distance PR of 8 miles. Whoop-Whoop! I woke up feeling sore and extremely hungry this morning and wondered why until I remembered my long run the night before. LOL. Anyway, because of that I am going to take it easy today with a really slow 5k on the treadmill and probably a lot…
  • Well - I didn't quite meet my mileage goal this month (even after lowering it last week). I don't consider it a failure though, because I have never actually set out to do any serious distance training before and didn't have a clue where to start with mileage or training plans. 3 miles away is not bad - in fact, I think…
  • Rocks in running shoes are the worst! Just when you think that they're gone - surprise! This has happened to me too many times. Sorry that it ruined your run - 10 miles is still awesome though.