LetsDoulaThis2018 Member


  • One of the things they told me most often in eating disorder treatment is that fat is not a feeling. If you are feeling fat but objective scientific reality says your body weight is low, then you are really feeling something else and mislabeling it as fat. Treatment helps you figure out what that is so that you can have…
  • 1. Mix in blueberries and strawberries that have been coated in just a little honey. 2. Shredded carrot, chopped apple, some raisins and a dash of cinnamon. Sounds weird but I swear it is amazing!!
  • Most of the calories come from the pie crust and you can't make a really good pie crust without a bunch of butter. Someone's suggestion of making the filling and eating it with a biscuit is the best one I heard! I make Pot pie from scratch every few weeks. I make it so that 1/4 of the 9" pie has a full serving of…
  • I am using riding as my motivation for fitness too!
  • This is a 50lbs difference.
  • Add me! I am down a little over 50lbs but want to lose another 80lbs. Taking it nice and slow because that's the key to lasting change, but would love to have more friends on here!!
  • Hey! I know this post is old but I searched for posts with "Equestrian" and saw this one! I just started riding lessons for he first time in forever last week and have been working on body weight exercises over the last month to build the relevant muscles. I'd love to touch base if you are still on here!
  • I'm not an Equestrian yet, but hopefully will be! I rode as a little girl but not after the age of 10 despite coming from a horse family. (My aunt is still winning shows in her 50s.) The farm my children take lessons at has a draft horse trained in a saddle that can accommodate me as a rider so I just got back in the…
  • My thoughts on WLS are this...it carries a lot of risks and is not a quick fix. If you can't follow an extreme diet without the surgery you're not going to be able to follow the one required after the surgery indefinitely. Studies I have read show very little difference with weight loss maintenance ten years out than with…
  • I'm Nichole. I'm 5'7" and my highest weight was 387lbs in summer 2012. I have gradually gotten down to 352lbs and hovered here for a couple of years. I am getting married in Disney in the fall. I want to not have the parks kick my out of shape butt and I want to feel comfortable in my Magic Kingdom photo shoot (in my…
  • Weight loss is the goal. I don't have a gallbladder and am missing a foot of my large intestine due to another surgery I had when I was younger. Sometimes my GI tract will spazz out and result in a dumping syndrome of sorts if I eat too much fat in one sitting so I think that dietitian was thinking that decreasing overall…
  • In my postpartum doula training we learned that eating less than 2,000 to 2,500 calories will cause your milk supply to tank. I rushed to lose baby weight and couldn't breastfeed anymore because of eating too little. Wrong priorities. Your baby needs your milk and is only little for a little while. Eat what your body needs…
  • My latest chicken seasoning obsession is lots of garlic powder, some black pepper, light sprinkling of crushed red pepper, oregano and a splash of balsamic vinegar. I either marinate it with a little olive oil or just add the seasonings in the pan when sautéing the chicken. No added salt but has a crazy amount of flavor!!