Frogprincess85 Member


  • These stories are so exciting. I'm 5'4 was just looking for inspiration as I start this journey. 20 lbs need to go.
  • When I'm angry I always feel like something sweet will make me happy again. Or mostly when I'm hungry! I eat the first salty starchy thing like fishy crackers! I try to keep these things out of the house, or else I drink tea. A warm drink often makes me happy.
  • Hi everyone My name is Donna and I'm busy mom and two little ones and a full time elementary school teacher. I've been make excuses and being lazy about my weight since I first got pregnant 4 years ago. I blamed exhaustion and busyness for my weight gain but I'm ready to feel healthier and have more energy. I joined last.…
  • I didn't weigh in on Monday. I'm sorry. I've been sick. Sorry team, I haven't been supportive or even joining convos much. Hopefully this subsides soon Username: PrincessFrog85 Weigh in: Monday PW: 163 CW: 161.2 lbs. (I've been sick so not sure how very accurate this is or if as soon as I eat well again it will change.:) )
  • Username: Frogprincess85 Week 2 PW: 165 lbs CW: 163.7 lbs I haven't been tracking in days I eat treats lol. So time to try more seriously. This week's goal is four workouts and staying in calories allotment.
  • Week 1 Username Frogprincess85 PW 165.7lbs CW 165 lbs Will work harder this week.
  • I have now written two Intro posts and accidentally earases both so short Intro lol. My name is Donna. I'm 32 with two young children. I teach first grade full time. I weigh 165lbs and have a five month goal. But the end of school, is like to be in the 140's and loose a full pant size! I'm looking forward to being…
  • Hello! I'm interested in trying the February challenge. username: frogprincess85 Weigh in day: Monday evenings Starting weight: 165lbs