epetty23 Member


  • Feel free to add me. I just started 4 weeks ago. We all can support each other.
  • Thank you. I am monitoring my progress. I walk 4 miles a day around my neighborhood and I stay on my feet even at work. I am eating less and I watch and count the calories in take. I will keep watching. Like I said, I am more focus on being healthier than skinny. I have high blood pressure and that's the very reason why I…
  • That makes sense... :smile:
  • Hello cool kid gang, I'm 40 and I am working on losing 50 lbs. I just want to focus on a better healthier lifestyle, making better choices and look young at the age of 80. :wink:
  • Perhaps the clothing and shoes and the different scale plays a big factor. I will go back next week and I will see the difference. My work requires me to sit in front of the computer all day and I just walk in place for 15 mins whenever I get the chance. I exercise and walk around my neighborhood for about 45 mins…
  • I need to lose about 50 lbs and I started 4 weeks ago. I have lost 13 lbs so far and it could be all water weight. I am here to support and motivate. We all need that. :smile:
  • The first weigh in at the doctor's office was 226, and my second follow up visit which was 2 weeks later, I weighed 222. and that's 2 weeks ago. It must be the scale too. I guess I will know better on my next visit which is next week. :wink:
  • I don't feel week. I actually feel good everyday. I feel motivated and being active become sum what of a new addiction to me. I drink a lot of water, I stopped drinking soda, sweet tea (which is my favorite). I cut down a lot on carbs and red meat. I have heard that losing too fast is not healthy, I will try not to worry…