It was going up and down by about 0.1 pounds but that was it. Then this morning this has happened. I’ve changed the battery but I’m confused as to whether I’ve lost all that or not! The scales are getting my hopes up 😃
I’ve done all that and it’s still saying the same
Thank you!
I think it will work for me, I just need to find the right foods. I give up on diets quickly but this is the only one I’ve really stuck to. I’m not sure why, I just need to figure it out correctly. Going to go shopping later for more whole foods
Oh wow, I didn’t realise that and I do scan a lot of the packs rather than weighing it out to make sure. That’s very helpful, thank you
Thank you, I will make sure I include more vegetables and less processed foods. Didn’t think of berries either!
Yeah that’s right aha
I think it’s just hard to find foods that are low in carbs. I must be eating enough because I’ve not lost any weight. I think the amount I eat is okay. Maybe it’s just what I’m eating
No it was one slice of cheese out of a pack of 10 aha
Thank you, that sums it up nicely. I will give it some time and try the tape measure and see if that I see any differences.
Thank you for the suggestion but I don’t think I have a disordered way of eating, I’m just not very good at it ☺️
I do feel less bloated but that’s about it. Maybe I will try measuring with a tape. I have opened my food diary now
I have just opened my food diary, thank you for the link
Yeah that makes sense! Maybe that’s why... maybe my body has just gone into shock aha
Wow well done! Hopefully I get the same results!
It doesn’t always aha
Maybe I’m not logging as accurate as I think, I will keep an eye on that! Also, I weigh 175 pounds, 5ft4. It won’t let me open my diary, don’t think I’m doing it right but I eat the same everyday pretty much. Breakfast- tea or coffee Lunch- 30g peanuts, sugar free jelly pot and cheese string Dinner- low carb vegetable with…
It’s good to know that it’s possible to lose weight after having such a bad start, I will stick at it and see how it goes!
I’m not sure what he eats tbh, but I’ve been 100% accurate with mine. I’ve been weighing everything after it is cooked and ensuring it’s accurate
I worked out my macros on a macro calculator and it said to eat that many so I’ve been sticking to that. I am 175 pounds and 5ft4. A few years ago, I was eating about 500 calories a day and dropped to about 95pounds but then as soon as I started eating normally again I gained it all back and I’m not sure if I have ruined…
That is true, lucky him😃 and hes eating the same foods but think he’s having bigger portions aha! Maybe I will increase the HIIT to 4 times a week and see if that helps, I've always struggled with exercise!
Yeah, I just expected to have at least lost a pound by now! My boyfriend has lost 10 and we are eating the same! So frustrating 😃
I’ve been having 1,200 calories a day and weighing everything out exact😞