i figured it out!
wow I am really tired, I can't seem to find where i look at my activity level.. If you could please post where I can change or see that at I'd be most thankful. I'm off to bed, very tired lol, feels good
got ya! let me check that out
I live on site at a camp on top of a mountain, I don't all the fancy things
no! that is one of my goals though. I take it a full yoga workout would do that as well.. Do you stretch before you do yoga? I'll have to find more info on this.
I know it is an obsession now, I use to smoke for about 8 years then quit cold turkey. I don't like things having so much power over me. I got this! Thank you everyone,
still can't find anything I'm 100% happy with, anyone?
thanks everyone, I am the type of person that has to cut everything I see bad at once and then suffer through it. I kinda enjoy the suffering cause I know its the bad stuff leaving me body.. I'll read up on good ways to help cut caffeine. That you everyone for spending some time to address my issues
i loved the taste of it, coke is too sweet for me, however diet coke had a taste i really enjoyed. I was drink around 4 liters a day. I'd rather stop that bad habit and switch to tea.
diet coke is terrible, its toxic to the body, I've known this for a long time but still drank it, i want to get rid of it 100%, I've had about 1900 calories from very healthy foods.
lol sounds like i ate them,, i kinda feel like i'd try it right now
i did have 3 teabags worth of black tea today.
I know what you mean, I do better when I know other people are suffering along with me :)
3,174 calories,, thanks!