Ghxstzone Member


  • I live with my family, so no I can’t keep junk food out. I was doing good by losing over 20lbs but can’t seem to stay on track anymore. But I will get my *kitten* together and focus on hitting my goal
    in Help!! Comment by Ghxstzone October 2018
  • Been on this weight loss journey for 5months now , lost a total of 20lbs+ , starting weight was 172.2lbs and currently around 145lbs. I know patience is key. And yes I use a food scale. Just gonna wait it out and not give up
  • I am 5’1 and 145lbs , my goal is 118 . Been doing this diet for a couple of weeks. I measure every food and put in everything into my database. I don’t drink anything with calories in it. I don’t have cheat meals or cheat days whatsoever because I am committed to this
  • Alright, I appreciate the advise and help, thank you!
  • Alright I will down my protein and up the fat grams Also out of the whole situation, do any of you know a way I can do push-ups without putting pressure on the toes?
  • Last time I weighed myself is was 143lbs, with a height of 5’1. I’m pretty sure I’ll hit my calorie which is 1,200. My goal is to get to 118lbs, and once I hit that im gonna up my calories and eat carbs to gain lean muscle mass. I do weight lifting and cardio everyday with Sunday’s as resting days maybe even Saturdays,…
  • 71 g of carbs I’m going for With protein 150+g And fat 27g
  • I am 5’1
  • It’s Silk
  • I measure my food on a scale and measuring cup. But When I first started I weighed 172 lbs and last time , which was a week ago, I weighed 152lbs. I intake about 1,700 calories but sometimes lower. I drink a gallon of water everyday. If I do more cardio and do more time on lifting weights will that help? I’m trying to lose…
    in Stuck. Comment by Ghxstzone June 2018
  • I work out every day 3 hrs sometimes 4 hrs. I do cardio and weight lifting . I In take a good amount of calories and protein. I was just wondering if this actually worked.