Brill, thanks
[/quote] Your diet seems to be fine, however, adding a little bit of walking and drinking water might help to wake up your system . Are you using any salad dressings? [/quote] No I don't have anything on my salads at all and if I did I'd count it. I do need to start doing some walking and I am pretty bad at keeping up with…
I believe, through my very basic research, I'll be focusing on "Muscular Isolation Training" :/
This isn't coming from the most experienced source, granted, but I've found once I've strictly tracked for a few weeks, you just learn what your meals are totalling, especially if you eat the same meals most days. Therefore you don't necessarily need to "track" every single day on here. At least you'll know roughly where…
p.s now down to 17st 3.5lbs, guess my fat is as stubborn as I am!
Yeah, It gives me 1,470 per day. I'm reluctant to deviate from that too much at the moment because I feel like I'm just at a level where I don't feel "deprived" but still low enough where I definitely know I'm dieting lol It's the longest I've stuck to it so feel like I'll wait a little longer and see what happens. :/
My MFP goal says 147 but I'm usually just under at 130 and go a little over on my fats. I have done low carb before but couldn't stick with it for longer than 3 weeks at a time because I'd end up feeling extremely dizzy and lethargic like I couldn't wake up. In fact this is the first time I haven't tried low carb. I also…
According to that my maintenance calories is 2,037 per day and says I'd have to consume 1,537 to cut, which is pretty much where I'm at.
Between 1400-1500 per day. I'm not really tracking macros but it tends to be Carbs 40%, Fat 30%, Protein 30%.
I hope so, I went from feeling pumped to feeling deflated in the space of 2 weeks lol. I'll have to just stick it out and see what happens *fingers crossed*
This is reassuring. Thanks. Especially having PCOS my periods are all over the place so it could be that.
I do yes and religiously measure everything
Okay thanks everyone, I'll continue what I'm doing then :)
I've just gone off what MFP says I should do :D
Yes, I shower straight after working out always. Hopefully it will calm down soon :)
Not really no
- Crustless broccoli quiche - 1 boiled egg - Mixed salad leafs - 2 radishes - half yellow bell pepper - a few cashews - cucumber - tablespoon potato salad - tablespoon coleslaw - tablespoon tomato pasta - sping onion - slice of cheddar cheese - tablespoon of sweetcorn - grated carrot - blob of mayo - tablespoon croutons -…