LiLee2018 Member


  • Just wanted to update in case anyone was curious or also looking for something! I bought this waist trainer on amazon I've been eyeballing. Not sure if I can post a link to it, so if not, I'll just say you can look up.... "Gaodi waist trainer vest" on amazon and it should bring it up. The picture is a woman holding the…
  • Will definitely have to remember to look whenever I'm at Walmart or Target. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Ah that's pretty cool. I'll have to see what else is available but I'm sure that would probably work for what I want. Doesn't look too expensive either so that's a bonus.
  • I have leggings that help my lower belly from moving, but they roll right off my upper belly area lol
  • Were you a member of SparkPeople? How many years? What was your Spark name? I was years ago. No idea what my name was there lol How many 5% Challenges have you done? This is my first What do you like to do for fun? Watch youtube, try out new crafts. Would really like to get in to whittling/woodcarving. Reading (fantasy,…
  • Hello! Just joined! Would like to join a team please :)
  • That's what's happening to me right now lol. I'm remembering some stuff, but not a lot. It goes in one ear and right out the other, but hoping that if I stay consistent it will stick more. I'm only a week in so I'm not expecting to be fluent yet or anything lol. Duolingo is frustrating me atm. Like giving me 3 or 4…
  • Going strong here since getting back to better eating. Kids have just a couple days of school left. THEN.... summer school for my daughter. I'm sure she's going to be joined by a lot of others. It's going to be half her summer vacation, but it's definitely needed. She fell so far behind during virtual learning. Guess it's…
  • I'm still here! Just a continuing battle with my mental state that keeps pushing me back to eating horribly. I'd like to say that I'm over that now, but we'll see! Back at it though. Kicked it off with an hour on the recumbent bike and feeling really happy with myself about it. Food will be tracked again and.. yeah. I…
  • Yall.... Yall. So i thought I was finally ahead of the stress. Oh hell naw. Stress kicked in my door and made itself back at home for a little while there. I stress ate again and took a few more steps back. THEN when I did finally get back to it last week, I started getting headaches and some other unfortunate bodily…
  • I'm still here! I needed a break though. I needed a break from worrying about my food constantly and posting here and all of it. My motivation never left, but it did take a backseat to anxiety and stress for a little while. My diet has been total crap lately, but I'm back to it again. I haven't quite gotten out of this…
  • Change of plan for today. First, I ate like *kitten*. Just to get that confession out of the way lol. No leg day either b/c apparently hubs volunteered us to help his sis paint her house. So yeah, we were there most of the day helping out. I got a little bit of walking in and helped paint as much as I could, so... it was…
  • I'm not exercising today. My right knee area just feels really off. Today would be a leg day, but I'm going to wait until tomorrow to do it just to give my leg a rest. I felt it yesterday when I was jumping rope. After the first couple of jumps it felt fine, but then started feeling really achy by mid day and for the rest…
  • Don't mind me as I drool over your food pics...
  • Yeah, I try to get them to help and they end up just finding things they forgot about and start playing with it lol. I do make them part of the decluttering process for their rooms though. Get them to pick what they want to keep or donate. Right now they're doing school work though. Today and tomorrow off, but still have…
  • I hope you're feeling better and get to jog soon.
  • @mistymeadows2005 Thanks!! @katjustkat That's pretty hilarious with the doc. That would've made my day. Like.. heck yeah, that was muscle! lol I hope to get there one day :) That sounds rough with the kids, but sounds like you got through it all like a champ. Well, I guess if you go through that from the start, you just…
  • Their spring break was last week. They spent the night at their grandparents for a couple of days before they drove them crazy lol. We didn't go anywhere though. Don't plan on going anywhere this summer either, but we do want to save up to have a nice beach trip next summer. That was a lot more info than you wanted but…
  • Thanks yall. Unfortunately, the last half of last week wasn't good food-wise. While I was still positive and motivated, I did let the stress build up and I did use food as my comfort. I don't think I overate a terrible amount, but what I was eating wasn't good and now I'm bloated up a bit b/c of it (180.2 this morning). I…
  • I'm stress eating yall. I plan on having a salad for dinner, but this is not a low carb day. Hormones mixed with stress. I just can't stand the bickering my kids are doing right now. Drives me up the wall when they start with one another. Thankfully we're lucky enough that they all have their own rooms so I can just…
  • Thankfully I can usually resist all that candy and stuff. My willpower was just taking a break on Sunday ;) lol Yep I'm low carb/keto. Mostly keto, but I'm not being super strict with it all the time which I think is going to be a lot more sustainable for a lifestyle change. I'm sticking to it most of the time, but if I…
  • So Easter was well... a total fail food-wise, but back to it again today. Didn't track, and I did eat some of the rice noodle dish my mom made for me. Some of the noodles, but mostly just picked all the mushrooms and egg out of it lol. SO not exactly a low carb day but not too bad either. AF also finally arrived. Late.…
  • Dang girl. Kicking some major booty!
  • I'll have to start taking more kitty photos for you guys :) After getting fixed, they've chonked up a bit lol. It's just getting back in to the routine of exercising that's so difficult for me. It's SO SO SO Easy for me to fall off the wagon. Any little blip and I stop and I just don't want to start back up and can't find…
  • Wow! Great job on the exercising. Seeing 4 miles just makes me tired reading it lol. I hear ya though. When I was jumping rope, I'd get pretty dang hungry after doing it. You have some super strength willpower to not eat until the evening lol
  • Your food always looks so delicious! I really need more kimchi. Making some soup with the old super fermented stuff in the fridge :)
  • OOO that dish looks so good! I wish we had more authentic Asian food here. We've always had Korean food places. Only within the last few years have we gotten a couple of Vietnamese restaurants, but all of our Chinese places only sell Americanized dishes. I would love to try real Chinese food one day. I watch a lot of food…
  • Thanks yall! I really hope I can get to the 160's and beyond! I don't want to set a numerical goal for a certain time... even though it's REALLY tempting. I'll just say that by the end of the year, I hope to be WAY less than where I'm at now lol. Go in to 2022 needing a whole new wardrobe :smiley: Just gotta keep telling…
  • Wow. You've been doing great!!! So much determination and it's so inspiring to read!
  • Oh yikes. You've had it a bit rough recently. I hope you're feeling better now. You're kicking some butt with the weight loss though!