PumpkinPeril Member


  • Feel free to add me! I'm down 54/115# so far, but would love some more friends on the journey
  • It will keep your steps for the day. n.n Normally in this scenario I will see the calories syncing to Fitbit but not the steps syncing to MFP. All you are doing is re-syncing the accounts, not changing the recorded data.
  • I have had the same issue. It has been a while since this issue has happened for me. The work around is to log onto MFP on the web/browser. Go to apps and unsync Fitbit. After ~15min re-sync the accounts and it should start working again. Worked for me this time, but sometimes this problem will happen again until an update…
  • Seconding making a meal entry. I do this for things that I make single servings at a time. It loads each individual item into my diary and then I edit the weights as needed. I also do this for recipe bases. For example, I have a "base meal" for overnight oats that contains the plain necessities (oats, yogurt, milk, etc). I…
  • Teacher here(high school). Down 45 out of about 120lbs on my way to a healthy bmi. Would love more friends, especially as the term wears on XD
  • Looking for some more active friends :3 Been using MFP for a little bit now and am about 1/3 of the way to my weight loss goal. I enjoy encouraging others as well as looking for meal inspirations.
  • It depends on your activity level setting. I'm set as not very active and have a fitbit synced with MFP. When I'm more than "not very active" (a combination of steps and the difference between MFP & FitBit's projection of calories I may burn in a day) I see a calorie adjustment under exercise. I allow myself to eat 90% of…
  • I'm going to ditto some of the other posters that you need to work on the whole why you binge. It sounds to me like its an emotional issue that seeing a professional might help. Or maybe its a control thing? It sounds like there are a lot of issues that are out of your control and its affecting what you have control over…
  • I weigh most everything (even prepackaged items) to avoid unexpected surprises. For example: One serving of my oats for oatmeal is stated as 1/2c(40g) on the packaging. I scoop out the oats with a level 1/2 cup and put it in my bowl on the scale and it weighs 52g. So before I was assuming I was eating 1 portion of oats but…
  • No longer BF, pumped for 13m with my 1st and nursed for 12 with my 2nd. The average baby consumes around ~25oz of breastmilk a day. 1oz of milk is ~20cal so the average woman burns 500cal breastfeeding(the 300calls for When you are pregnant). That's all average though. With my son I knew how much milk because of the…
  • I agree with the other posters. I'm 5'8" and 264. I'm losing 1.5lbs on a net 1690. I don't feel full unless I'm taking in 1800+ so I make sure to be active enough that I can meet my net goal. In my month here, I've learned that I like higher protein and fats to make me feel fuller. I've also learned to make peace with my…
  • This happens to me when I eat "greasy" foods. When I was a teen I wanted to try and eat healthier choices and after a while I would experience what you're describing for about 12h or so after until it would pass. In moderation I can eat those foods, but some are automatic (bratworst) unless I remove some of the oil/grease…
  • I'd love to have more friends on a similar path. I'm working on one small goal at a time on a life long path of reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. Started at 275 and currently at 264. Being 5'8" means that my long term goal will be ~160. One day at a time n.n
  • If have to dig to find the source, but one of the pinned threads had some interesting reading(can't remeber if it was one about weight loss and TOM or diet breaks) but... Fat cells store estrogen(among other hormones), vitamins, toxins, etc. As you start to empty the fat cells, that stored estrogen and other materials are…
    in Acne Comment by PumpkinPeril June 2018
  • Pumps generally aren't as efficient as babies, and supply can different depending on time of day, but it gives you a starting point (40oz*20cal is about 800cal) As you introduce foods to his diet the amount needed will change. Since you pump, you'll be able to monitor your supply to some extent. I know that I couldn't cut…
  • The 500cal for breast feeding comes from the average baby drinking 25oz and breast milk is about 20cal per oz. Every baby is different(I had to pump and my1st drank 45oz a day). If you pump at all perhaps you can estimate about how much milk is consumed in a day.
  • You should be able to disable the steps and stop them from porting over. On the app there is a step section on the menu. Unless there is other info you're worried about? As far as disconnecting fitbit, you have to disconnect from the MFP website(not app) and you can also revoke access from the fitbit site
  • My understanding thus far in my journey is that there is a calorie threshold for each activity level beyond BMR. I am set to sedentary and see a positive adjustment around 1.5k (a number lower than I see most people report) but I'm 260# so it takes more energy to move. By 4.5k steps I have ~250cal adjustment and by 7k…
  • Look up a list of self care ideas. Everyone likes different things(coloring didn't work for me ;-;). When I was really stressed I liked: One a week "spa" day (at home but focused in the grooming that I don't always get to do) Soak in the tub Big mug of herbal tea Yoga Positive affirmation app (pushed messages (some self…
  • ^This. I followed the steps outlined below and it did the trick (copied from: https://myfitnesspal.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/1427466-what-if-data-doesn-t-appear-to-be-syncing-from-fitbit-to-myfitnesspal-) The key being it has to be from the respective webpages and not the app - Go to our main website at…
  • Hello! Looking to connect with people as I make one healthy habit at a time for a better me. I'm still in the starting phase with getting my gials properly aligned and getting to know my food scale. In terms of weight loss, I'm setting smaller goals at intervals of personal significance: -40 to pre-depression weight -15 to…