philcycle12 Member


  • Best thing is to use this app first to work out what your eating and drinking calories wise compared to what you burn of through exercise, I find using a fitness tracker also helps as a start point. Best of luck
  • Use this app for a few weeks and be honest and put in all the food and drinks and exercise you do to gauge where you may be going wrong. Best of luck
  • It’s the small things that count, changing habits, it takes up to 6 weeks to break a habit and improve your fitness, keep going and you will get to your target.
  • Cycling is the way ahead, had two knee ops and was told cycling is best way to build up quads to protect knee joints, I use a turbo trainer during the winter and out road or mountain biking in summer months. Best of luck
  • Problem is both in uk and USA, there are so many fast food outlets it’s so so tempting just to eat junk food and of course very convenient, but it’s striking that balance with the right amount of exercise coupled with the right healthy foods, but a little naughty food every now and again won’t hurt as long as you have that…
  • Free version seems enough the extras for the premium don’t seem worth it
  • Ham solo
  • Be proud of yourself, you look amazing, always turn negative rubbish to positive thoughts
  • No as long as you are fully hydrated at weekends I will go running first thing in morning before breakfast for 5 miles, if I eat an hour before will normally feel sick
  • I found giving up all products with caffeine in it helps me sleep better and now feel a lot more active and alert as a result
  • So far I find this app very interesting, as I never really took any notice of the food that I eat, but if you need a goal to stick to too loose weight I think this place is a step in the right direction, just stay focused and think of the benefits loosing weight does helping you get fitter and stronger. Just saying Phil
  • Hello 45 year old mountain biker just joined
  • I have used the Fitbit charge , but found it a bit on the clumsy side for gps tracking on mountain bike, I now use apple I watch 3 which is brilliant, they are worth buying even if it’s just for making sure you get your step count in every day, I joined vitality and with the free cinema tickets and Starbucks using watch…
  • I have been the same weight for nearly 20 years give or take a kilo 73 average, I could eat a boat load of donuts and never put weight on, I have tried over the years, I don’t drink alcohol and love mountain biking I just put it down to having a fast metabolism,