jla5774 Member


  • My first couple weeks went well. I know everyone says water weight but I was already down and dieting so I'm not sure i buy that. Now i have not changed much and the lose is down to nothing. I do feel I am in ketosis and have been enjoying this way of eating, now craving, ect. But my main focus for it was weight loss.
  • So if you are only eating during g a very small window do you watch calories? Do you eat whatever you want? Have you lost weight this way? Curious. I have a lot of weight to lose and am wanting to try different techniques to help me reach that point.
  • Ok I will try to keep a tigher reign on that the next week and see what happens. Thank you so much for the help!!!
    in Carbs Comment by jla5774 August 2018
  • Figured it off of the keto calculator on rule.me
  • I'm currently weigh in around 200 and looking to lose at least 50-70 pounds (I'm 5' 2") do you feel 1200 calories is where I should be aiming?
  • Yes it was spray oil. I didnt cook it, it was at someone's home so I couldn't add extra fat or oil.
  • Can you help me locate it better so I can log better?
  • I am weighing but not always finding it in that measurement on the list so entering it as the closest I could match.
  • Thunk I've made my diary public now
  • Ok I think I opened my food diary
    in Carbs Comment by jla5774 August 2018
  • Scaling and measuring. Was doing weight watchers before this so used to tracking portions so I think I'm being pretty accurate there.
  • Yes counting calories and tracking meals. Trying to do everything by the book and feeling very frustrated. Not sure what I'm missing.
    in Carbs Comment by jla5774 August 2018
  • Yes. I'm at 1200 calories a day. Which is what I calculated for calorie deficiency. I've read about how much success everyone has with keto so I am very frustrated at this point.
  • So I have been doing keto for about a month. I have stayed under 20 carbs a day and lost a few pounds the first week and a half. Since then NOTHING!! What am I doing wrong? My protein is around 20% and my fat intake high. Help me out?
    in Carbs Comment by jla5774 August 2018
  • New here and to Keto started a few days ago. Would love the support!