Little old for me ! lol nopperz
Feel free to add me btw! looking for keto friends
I've been on the keto diet (technically atkins but almost the same thing) and I'm down 11.8 pounds after only 16 days :) Like cynthobrien said, its been so easy.. and I've actually really been enjoying it apart from the weight loss too. I have so much more energy and just feel better in ways I didn't expect.
Feel free to add me, I love new friends!!
I love eating the Atkins bars you buy at the store when I’m needing some sweets.. only 2 net carbs and tastes like a candy bar.. mmmm
One of the main reasons that I am interested in Atkins is because of the way it stops the intense cravings and hunger pains.. so far I would say that’s true and it’s made losing weight a bit easier.. the less options the better for me because I sometimes lack self control. Would you say that if you had jumped into the…
Maybe you should try the Atkins diet!! My dad had the same problem basically and since switching to this diet he’s lost over 60 pounds in only 3-4 months, doesn’t feel like he’s depriving himself.. and he says the best part about it all is actually not the weight loss but how he feels. Because of that I decided to try…