WarmKrystal Member


  • Hello!!!! I joined MFP a few months ago. In January 2017, I had lost 56 pounds just by cutting out certain foods but I had a set back in the fall and gained 20 back... A friend Introduced be to MFP and finally I started losing weight again! I had lost 22 pounds by doing Intermittent Fasting and weighing my food ... then…
  • Hello!!!! I joined MFP a few months ago. In January 2017, I had lost 56 pounds just by cutting out certain foods but I had a set back in the fall and gained 20 back... A friend Introduced be to MFP and finally I started losing weight again! I had lost 22 pounds by doing Intermittent Fasting and weighing my food ... then…
  • Hello!!! I loved your intro lol I joined a couple months ago and I lost 22 pounds by counting calories and measuring food 😩 but..... then the summer came and well the drinks start flowing, all of the BBQ ‘s and sweets. I’ve been sloppy the last month and a bit as I haven’t been measuring or keeping track of my food. I’m…
  • Hey! I joined a couple months ago and I was doing really well until the summer hit and then the ice-cream, drinks, and sweets were screaming my name lol... I feel like I am needing some motivation as well so feel free to add me if you want 😊
  • I was introduced to IF in June and I had lost 22 lbs . I am a believer that it works!! This summer has been hard on me as I’m enjoying myself a little too much and not sticking to my 16:8 ratio. I feel if I don’t get back to it soon, I’m going to gain it all back and I can’t have this happen ( as I have a lot more to go) 😩…
  • Welcome back!! You’ve got this! 😊
  • Agreed!! Summer is hard for me right now and I need to get back on track and focus . Support is something I need as well 😊