Hi, new husband and soon to be dad!

Hey there, 290lbs and tired of it.. I hope to stick to this this time around which is why I am going all in and hope to find some like minded people. I used to be a low carber and switched to vegetarian, met my wife 5 years ago and slowly gained 70 lbs.

I am disappointed in myself and I can't stop thinking about how I let this happen. My wife is a hottie, and I know she loves me otherwise she would not have married me recently but I can't stop thinking about how I let myself get this big and she couldn't care less. She's supportive of me no matter what I do but we both know that canceling my outing to the gym to sit around because I wasn't feeling it or having a second helping bigger than the first is not how I reach my goals.

I often tell her that I'm tired of this and have started diets only to have broken them or skip the gym 2 days in. I can sense that she is a little annoyed because I'm turning into someone who doesn't keep their word. I keep my word for everything, and she trusts and believes me and I always show up but for some reason I just can't get it together in this aspect.

I don't know if I binge because of uncertainty, If I am genuinely too lazy to meal prep and stick to my serving sizes. Or if I just have some chemical imbalances in my brain (looking at your leptin and ghrelin). Perhaps My insulin is too high and it's causing my hunger or binge patterns.

I need help to stick with it. Any advice from someone in a similar boat?


  • gstaubs1
    gstaubs1 Posts: 200 Member
    I feel you brother! I recently turned 42 and in the last 2 years I have gained about over 25 lbs. I am over it and ready to fight. I have lost 9 lbs since joining. My advice : cut out fast food and pizza, go to the gym and do cardio and light strength training 3-4 days a week for 1-2 hrs. Log your food in the MFP app and try to stay at a calorie deficit. You will lose weight. Add me if you like and best of luck. You got this, Eye of the Tiger!
  • lililomo
    lililomo Posts: 167 Member
    you need lots of green veg, good fats, and protein to get you off the carb crashes. i lost 17 lbs just by logging and keto *controversial for some i know* but it worked for me. i lost 3 more lbs and am in maintenance now. get a food scale and weigh what you're going to consume. it's time consuming for sure to plan things - but your health and your family is worth this investment of time. this is a great website for accountability, and yes - like gstaubs1 said - start slowly with work outs. you can do it!~
  • CheekyChiq88
    CheekyChiq88 Posts: 109 Member
    Totally! I had my son 6 months ago and dang I packed it on after he was born! I looked better pregnant O MAN! anyways lol I joined MFP 45 days ago and I take it one step at a time. My real journey started on my own a couple weeks before joining MFP but I noticed my results were mediocre and I was unmotivated. I joined and it did help increase my loss! Sharing goals with others and sharing advice it does really work! You sound real with yourself and the issue at hand that you want to fix. You can do this!

    I started 270lbs June 22 and today Aug 29 I;m 244.8 BOOO YES, long way to go, but what a start!
  • WarmKrystal
    WarmKrystal Posts: 7 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hello!!!! I joined MFP a few months ago. In January 2017, I had lost 56 pounds just by cutting out certain foods but I had a set back in the fall and gained 20 back...
    A friend Introduced be to MFP and finally I started losing weight again! I had lost 22 pounds by doing Intermittent Fasting and weighing my food ... then summer hit and well the drinks, the bad food and no motivation happened.
    I said that I’m going to enjoy the rest of the summer and when September hits I’m right back into routine of IF, weighing and prepping
    I’m always looking for people to help motivate me so if you don’t mind, I’ll add you and we can hopefully motivate each other?

    Also, congrats on becoming a new dad!!